Pride Month 2023, the depraved celebration of all things sexually perverted, is finally over... and not a minute too soon.
Despite that, LGBTQ+ activists will continue to be hell-bent on deceiving people into believing pride is a virtue. There is nothing further from the truth. Pride in all its forms is likely the original human sin... it originates from the idea that we can be our own “little gods”.
Sadly, during the last 30 days, many so-called “Christians” are among those who have been deceived into thinking that supporting Pride month is somehow showing God’s love. But instead, what they are actually doing is foolishly endorsing the veneration of sexual sin.
In the book of Genesis, we read...
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” 2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” 4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5)
Eve’s disobedience resulted from her pride as she willfully obeyed the serpent’s prompting and disregarded God’s command. Pride is an excessive view of oneself without regard for God or others. It inevitably leads to more sin as one thinks more of themselves and less about the Word of God. Pride is the polar opposite of humility before God.
In Mere Christianity, CS Lewis wrote...“It was through pride that the devil became the devil, and pride leads to every other vice... it is a completely anti-God state of mind.”
Central to this Pride month deception is the notion that it is somehow acceptable in the eyes of God to openly parade sins of sexual perversion while at the same time mocking Christ. We saw this earlier this month with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence happily blaspheming Jesus at Dodger Stadium. So-called “Christians” and woke types who tolerate or even support this garbage are actually preventing LGBTQ+ people from finding freedom in the salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
And that keeps the LGBTQ+ community spiritually sick.
But, the most revolting deception of Pride Month is its most insidious, as it involves sexualizing young children. This is not about “love and ‘tolerance”. It is about the eventual legalization of pedophilia.
LGBTQ+ activists at the New York City Drag March this past June 23rd chanted, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.” We saw it again during this past week’s LGBTQ+ pride parade in Seattle, Washington, featuring a group of fully nude male cyclists performing in front of children. Add to that the drag queen story hours promoted in elementary schools, libraries, and even some wretched places that call themselves churches, and it is obvious this is a planned and well-orchestrated attack on your children.
And just yesterday, it was announced that the state of New Jersey is suing three school districts that require parents to be notified “when gender-nonconforming students wish to change their names, be called by new pronouns, or request other accommodations.” Platkin said in a statement that the state “will not tolerate any action by schools that threatens the health and safety” of children. He called the districts’ policies “discriminatory” and said they were a “severe risk” to trans and non-binary students.
Think about this... Drag queens and queer shows have been around for years, mainly performing in adults-only cabarets and clubs. Why now the sudden rush to perform before children? The bottom line is that they’re after not just gender and gay affirmation but pedophilia with total affirmation.
It is neither Christian nor loving to affirm anyone who seeks to have sex with children or those who try to sexualize them long before they can begin to understand what harm is being done to them. It is nothing less than wickedness on steroids.
Andrew Rodriguez, a Christian psychotherapist, recently wrote this appeal to LGBTQ-affirming Christians”...
“When you go along with the narrative that people are ‘just gay’ or ‘just trans’ and you deny the impact that their experiences had on their sexual development, you are actually allying with the very wounds, developmental deficits, ingrained lies, and sin (both those committed against the person and those by the person) that causes the sexual brokenness you are affirming. It is akin to attempting to ally with a trauma survivor by celebrating the alcohol abuse or self-harm the person uses to cope with the trauma.
When you ally yourself with LGBTQ activism, you are allying with the forces of darkness that seek to steal, kill, and destroy personal dignity, sexual integrity, and the hope of marital and sexual fruitfulness.
Quite frankly, we default to LGBTQ affirmation because it eases the burden on ourselves to do the difficult work with them. If you want to be a true ally to their dignity and wholeness, get in the trenches and aid them in their process of healing.”
Those who consider themselves “Christians” and who join in celebrating this perversion would do well to heed this warning found in the Word of God...
Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:32)
Let us pray for discernment when it comes to our response to these disturbing trends, for those who are deceived by it, and that those who participate in it would turn from it.
As usual, top shelf.
Frederick R. Smith took the words right out of my brain! The perversion, exhibitionism, simulated sex acts and twerking that have become so popular here in West Sodom are enough to send angels coming to destroy the USA or maybe we'll get lucky and Jesus will return any day.
Did America become Amerika on November 22, 1963? I've always believed that JFK wanted to end the Cold War and the CIA didn't. Since then, the centralized and criminalized government in DC has ruined this nation and invaded dozens more.
While we display banners of the American flag from Memorial Day to the 4th of July, it is often hard to know what America has become.