Reality TV… Americans love it. Shows such as American Idol, Hell’s Kitchen, Dance Moms, The Bachelor, The Voice, and Storage Wars have captured the affection of viewers from all across the United States.
Why is reality TV so popular? I don’t know for sure, but I have a theory. We love reality TV because it’s not real. Yes, it’s true… TV producers control the outcome. We love it because it gives an illusion of being real but is partially fake, and the results can be manipulated.
So, how about actual reality… Do we love to talk about what happened, is currently happening, or what is about to happen? Not so much.
One topic we usually don’t like to discuss is what happens after we die. And when we do, we treat the discussion like a reality TV show. We mix and match secular and religious beliefs from books, movies, and conversations with friends to fabricate the best possible outcome for ourselves.
For example, a recent study found that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe they are going to Heaven. (Only 1% felt that they were bound for hell.) But when asked why they sensed they would go to Heaven, the answers greatly varied. Read more about this study here.
Please understand this: the idea that all good people go to Heaven is NOT supported by the Bible. In contrast, Jesus spent a lot of time talking about the reality of hell—including to warn even the priests, pastors, and church leaders of his day!
If you have never spent any time considering the prospect of spending eternity in hell, I encourage you to do that NOW while you can still avoid the possibility. I have, and it terrified me enough to re-evaluate my life and share this with you.
Most of us understand that Heaven is real. The Bible describes Heaven as a place of inconceivable beauty, peace, and perfection. There is no darkness, pain, or suffering. We will get to see many family members and friends again. Even when our notion of Heaven isn’t spot on (such as angels sitting on clouds eating bagels with cream cheese), we still understand that it’s an amazing place.
But what happens if we aren’t accepted into Heaven? The Bible is very clear that when we die, we will all take a turn “in the hot seat” to be judged by God (Hebrews 9:27).
What if we fail the test?
I’d like to take a couple of minutes to discuss the other possibility... Hell. Let’s look at three inconvenient truths:
1. Nothing you accomplished now will mean something in hell.
It’s very easy to become caught up in chasing power, wealth, and success. That pursuit is all-encompassing. Have you heard the expression, “he who dies with the most toys wins?” Don’t believe it. It’s a lie from the pit of hell.
In contrast, Jesus talks about how… at the end of our natural life here on earth—we will either receive a) a magnificent promotion to Heaven or b) a severe and drastic demotion to Hades (Hell). There is no in-between. No purgatory. No holding place. No chance to just “cease to exist.”
There is a riveting story in the Bible about the fates of two men who knew each other on earth. The rich man who lived a great life of luxury has been sent to hell; the poor man who was forced to beg for food on the side of the road receives a promotion to Heaven.
The rich man, now in agony, begs Abraham for some relief. He also requests that Abraham send the poor man to warn his family so that they don’t end up in the same place of torment.
“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here, and you are in agony…’”
2. In hell, you will never again see or talk to another soul—for all eternity.
Recently, there has been a concerted effort… both within the church and outside…to downplay the reality of hell. In preparation for writing this, I made the mistake of conducting an internet search about hell. What I discovered is that the fact-checkers are out in force.
One prominent religious scholar went as far as to say in a Time magazine article that, “[Jesus] did not believe in hell as a place of eternal torment.” Again, don’t believe it. It’s a trap. This reminds me of the original sin noted in Genesis 2. The Serpent said to Eve, “Did God really say…”
The truth is that Jesus talked about hell as a place of eternal fire, punishment, and isolation. There is no light, no peace, no comfort from other human beings—for all eternity. See Matthew 8:12.
3. Tragically, hell will be full of religious people.
Yes, there will even be priests, pastors, and church leaders in hell. “How can that be?” you ask. The short answer is that religion does not point the way to eternal life; only Jesus does.
The most terrifying passage in all of Scripture, in my opinion, is Matthew 7:22-23. Jesus warns his listeners about the fate of false teachers; they may have even served in a church or synagogue but will not be accepted into Heaven.
“On judgment day, many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’” (Matthew 7:22-23)
How can we tell the difference between the real deal and fake news? Jesus gives us a clue in the previous verse: You will recognize them by their fruit. How do they live their lives? Don’t listen to what they say; watch what they do.
As I close today, I want to thank you for staying with me. This wasn’t an easy one. If nothing else, I hope it makes you search for the truth. Do you really want to entrust the most important decision of your life… where you will spend all of the next life—to chance, fate, or the producers?
If you have never prayed to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior so that you can spend eternity with Him in Heaven, I encourage you to do that TODAY.
“Lord, I know that I’m an imperfect human being. Please forgive me and save me from myself. I believe You created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them. You sent your son, Jesus, to come down to earth to be born as a baby, suffer a brutal death, and rise again on the third day so that You could make a way for us to spend all of eternity with You in paradise.
Jesus, I trust you as the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank you for saving me and including me as part of your family. Please direct and help me from this day forward to follow your commands so that I may please You.
I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
Amy L. Travis is the founder of the Stand Coalition and author of seven books on faith and conservative values including, The Truth About Love: How to Graciously Push Back Against a Godless Culture currently available on Amazon. Read her Substack blog at What in the World.
Thanks for sharing, Jim!
Thank you for this important item. We are all facing this reality and it is necessary to be reminded about this on a daily basis to be on the right hand of God.