What the Bible Says About Drag Queens in Church
I never thought I'd have to write about something like this...
It’s no secret that drag queen story hours have been held in public libraries and schools across the U.S. and Canada for some time now. Sadly, this epidemic of drag queens is now infiltrating North American “churches” and gaining access to children’s ministries. The intent? To groom children to accept the sick idea that homosexuality, transgenderism, and cross-dressing are normal and acceptable in the eyes of God… which they are not.
These are not isolated events. It is happening in United Methodist churches, Evangelical Lutheran churches, and Presbyterian churches, and it is spreading. It is not only being allowed by leaders in these so-called churches but also vigorously promoted to congregants and the community.
Drag queen story hours typically consist of perverse men dressed as provocative women. They read deviant stories to kids to expose them to homosexual behavior and transgender lifestyles.
Last December, Saint Luke’s Lutheran Church at Logan Square in Chicago allowed a drag queen to take the pulpit to brainwash young children and hold a “prayer time” with them. St Luke’s has an unbiblical all-female leadership team headed by Pastrix Erin Coleman Branchaud. The following is from their website:
“We, at St. Luke’s, strive to be a radically welcoming congregation. We affirm all races, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and other diverse backgrounds. Wherever you are from, whatever you believe or doubt, you are loved by God and by us.
We are on a journey toward antiracist and anti-oppression transformation, seeking to inhabit these values as lifelong spiritual practices. Your presence among us strengthens the community of Christ and you are welcome here!”
Not one word about developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ... Nothing about repentance or teaching Biblical prohibitions against such things.
I wonder what St. Luke himself would have to say about this?
On February 26th of this year, the Community of Christ Church in Lapeer, Michigan, hosted a drag queen story hour... prematurely sexualizing impressionable children while claiming to be ministers of God.
The church’s Facebook page stated: (The post has since been removed.)
“I know you’ve been waiting forever for a Drag Queen Story Hour in our area! Your wait is over! Come hang with JonBenet (and maybe more) and listen to stories. All ages are welcome and encouraged to come, listen, and meet royalty!”
Royalty? Are they elevating these perverts above Jesus Christ the King Himself?
The Community of Christ Church in Lapeer has five male elders, two male deacons, and one male “pastor” who have more than failed to protect the most vulnerable members of their congregation... the children.
They all need to resign...
But it gets worse... much worse. This perversion and blasphemy have been allowed during a Sunday morning service.
Recently, in Manitoba, Canada, St. Mary’s Road United Church allowed a person to play “God dressed in clown drag” during a Sunday skit. The “God” answered telephone prayers from “callers”. The drag queen was Eli Munro, whose trans name is Julian “King Julez” Munro. Munro is an MDIV student and a soon-to-be ministry candidate within the United Church of Canada. Munro is the chairperson of the far left @affirmunite, an LGBTQ activist group within the United Church.
To spare you watching it, it went like this...
“Hello, my child, it’s so nice to hear from you,” says the person dressed in drag playing the part of God. After a short back and forth, the drag queen says, “I see you, all of you. I see your suffering; I see your pain. I see the places in your life where you need help and guidance.”
St. Mary’s Road is a pastor lead church. His profile on the church website reads more like something you’d see on a dating app.
One critic put it this way...
“The most dishonorable thing you can do to God is to blaspheme Him by depicting Him as something He hates. God has made it clear that He is to be honored and worshiped rightly and in truth. Despite this, those false churches masquerading as the ‘tolerant’ and ‘inclusive’ continue to store up wrath for themselves on the day of judgment.”
The Trinity Lutheran Church in Greenville, SC, announced a drag queen will take their pulpit on May 12th and lead them through a “unique style of worship.” The promotional materials on their Facebook page read as follows:
“Trinity is very proud to present Drag Me to Church, a drag show about church, faith, and God’s inclusive love,” You’ll be endlessly entertained as The Lady Douché leads us through her unique style of worship which includes as many laughs as it does Amens! Do not miss the rare opportunity to see a drag queen in church!”
Trinity Lutheran has a woman “senior pastor” and a queer and justice ministry coordinator.
In Florida, the first Youth Pride Conference is scheduled to take place on May 21st at the Naples United Church of Christ. Kids from 12 to 18 years of age are invited to attend the all-day event featuring local drag queens. Planned breakout sessions will include the topics of gender dysphoria, “forbidden queer literature,” “inclusive sex education,” “intersectionality and prejudices within the community,” as well as “political action and advocacy. Naples United Church of Christ is a male pastor-led church with no elder board in evidence on their website. The assistant “pastor” and the events coordinator are both women.
Scripture explicitly deals with drag and cross-dressing in this way:
5 “A woman shall not wear a man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 22:5 NASB)
This verse does not command that a woman should never wear slacks or jeans or a man not wear a kilt. Instead, it forbids cross-dressing to deceive and present oneself as another gender. It is an outright rebellion against God and His order.
Too many men in these non-church churches have idly stood by and let this evil prosper. The fact that anyone who calls themself a Christian, a pastor, an elder, or a minister would approve of or attend these vile, disgusting displays is beyond me.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Jesus said this:
5 And whoever receives one such child in My name, receives Me; 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depths of the sea. (Matthew 18:5-7)
If this is happening in your church, it’s time to get out and find a faithful Bible-based congregation.
These Hot Mix Fantasy Queens according to the Bible are called Whoremongers. The Bible Commands Christians to depart from their activities and have NOT any of them in the midst of the Church. The Bible is absolute and clear about this with NO apology or compromise of ANY sort period!