Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

There are a lot of serpent preachers teaching a false gospel , blinding the simple to Christ’s ever present Kingship and the freedom it provides.

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"...we are not doomed if we place our hope in the Lord..."

No doubt there has been and will be evil in every generation. Maybe in our time we have more evil than in most, it sure seems that way. All the more reason to be righteous and seek truth.

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Great post. People have become dead to a lot of things. It is also the factor if it is not affecting me directly, not my problem. Not a new situation. Remember years ago, maybe back in the 70's, when a woman was being killed on a street in New York screaming for help and the people in the neighborhood just opened their windows and watched?

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

Some people will wake up and others will stay asleep.

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Unfortunately you are right!

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Excellent post and thank you. As the granddaughter of a wage slave - a man forced to quit school at age 13 to work as a child laborer in Missouri coal mines to age 24, when he traveled overland to San Francisco to meet mh grandmother - I feel what you write of deeply. Important points.

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Thank you for sharing that...

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After being founded on Christian self government , and freedom in Christ , we as a people walked away , seeking the false gods of man made slave states of the Beast System.

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One other thing...most "Christians' I know believe heavily in man made government. They will say "But man is so desperately wicked in all of his ways" that we need government to keep men from robbing, raping and stealing!" To which I say, so what you are telling me is that we need men who would rob, rape and steal to lord over us so that we don't rob, rape and steal. See the dilemma? Their twisted convoluted understanding of Romans 13 is enough to see that if the Founding Fathers thought the way they do that we would all be sitting around drinking tea with our pinkies sticking out and talking to each other with British accents.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

Romans 13 is for the Kingdom of God , Christ’s ecclesia , His new covenant citizenship. Government by man god’s is the Beast System!

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Actually it wasn't quite that way. It was the Age of Reason. A number of the most well know of the Founding Fathers were deists. Not Christians. And of the Christians, how many were of the same denomination. The problem with "revealed religion" is the controversy that it causes due to the many man made interpretations of it. Deism is not controversial at all. Except to Christians and other revealed religion adherents. I adhere to much of what Christianity claims. But there are some areas that I simply cannot get my reason, logic and common sense to wrap around.

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There is freedom in Christ only , and the life He gives. The religions of Babylon blind people to His ever present Kingship. Corporate Christianity is a different Beast.

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

And if I were to ask 100 Christians what freedom in Christ is and what is the life he gives I will bet that I will get 100 different answers. Typical , what I can tell "Churchianity" IS a religion of Babylon. "CHRISTIANS" burned women at the stake for being "witches" during the Salem witch trials. CHRISTIANS run around in cars that say JESUS LOVES YOU on a bumper sticker next to one that says SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. "Christians" sin in obviously bad ways and then go to "church" to placate their conscious for what they are doing when not in church. I'm reminded of this song...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUwUdHEo0Y4

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Very few people who call themselves "Christians" actually are.... but instead, many are unrepentant and therefore unsaved. Real Christians are few and far between.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

You get no augment from me. We must look to the first century followers of the way of Christ to find the freedom to “come out from among them and be ye separate “ the Babylonian,Roman, Beast Sysrem!

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Thank you for the clarification on the Deist issue! You are indeed correct.

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I find more "Christians" are actually Deists in thinking then they are Christian in the sense of what Christianity claims. http://deism.com

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Indeed... as slaves to sin.

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