A great lesson Jim. Thank you.

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sometimes we need the paradigm shift...this is a good example. Good article!

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Mar 17Liked by Jim McCraigh


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This reminds me of a concept in psychology known as the "frequency illusion" such that sometimes,things you've just seen, witnessed and experienced seem to crop up everywhere. For example, if you've just purchased or are thinking of buying a jeep, jeeps all of a sudden appear everywhere. Regarding your post, when we fully recognize that God delights in blessing us, we begin to see His blessings everywhere. Reality has remained unchanged. The same amount of jeeps are on the road, likewise, the number of blessings have not been altered. The difference is what your post reminds all of us; knowing this, we need not only look forward to future blessings, but recognize and cherish the monuments of our past. Thank you for another great post.

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This, sir, is why I subscribe to you! This was like a light coming on in pitch black room.

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I have made many mistakes that have impacted my family in many ways. Recently, my wife realised she hadnโ€™t forgiven me and it was causing problems in our relationship. She took it to God and our relationship now has never been better. She had built monuments to my failure, even though I had moved on. Thank you Jim for this perspective. Praise YAH!

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Excellent reminder. It's an easy trap to fall into. I appreciate your writing about it.

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If only....

Thanks for this insightful perspective... the if only disease....

We need to recall that God is in charge of our lives:

You have been put to no test but such as is common to man: and God is true, who will not let any test come on you which you are not able to undergo; but he will make with the test a way out of it, so that you may be able to go through it. (1Cor 10:13)

When God called us he has guided us through all the difficulties we have had, in order to test us, and showed us a way to go through it.

He is the potter we are the clay, he will mould us the way he wants us to be, no matter "if only" we had done something better, or not at all. He takes the clay and makes it work for his goal:

"Till we all come to the harmony of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to full growth, to the full measure of Christ:" (Eph 4:13)

We need to look to the positive things in our lives, particularly in these troubled times:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Phip 4:8)

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What a great lesson and reminder! Who amongst us isn't guilty of building monuments to past failures or disappointments? It's so easy to get caught up in the bad things that we fail to acknowledge God for all our blessings.

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Mar 16Liked by Jim McCraigh

What this comes down to for me is daily embracing my true identity in Christ. As Paul says in Philippians 3:13-14, "...I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."

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Mar 16Liked by Jim McCraigh

Great message.

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God uses everything that He allows to happen in our lives to teach us, if we are called according to His Purpose:

"ALL things work together for good....."


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We all need reality checks like this.

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This one spoke to me.

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