I am shocked that you say that Jackie Hill Perry, a converted, married-to-a-man, mother of 4, is a lesbian. Her critics in the LGBTQ+ movement would say this, because they say that sexuality is immutable. Surely you don't agree with this viewpoint!

Also, the final part of your article almost sounds like you are saying charismatics and Pentecostals are not saved, like Harold Camping used to say. (I'm sure he got a Big Surprise when he got to Heaven!) I myself am a cessationist, but I'm not ready to consign to Hell those who hold a different viewpoint on this secondary doctrine.

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Sounds like the "Great Apostasy", or the growth of it, is well underway.

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Frederick, I completely agree that Catholics and Protestants must work together to resist our common enemy. Your comment brings to mind James 4:6-7...

6 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7 Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

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Jim - very salient essay. As a Traditional Catholic I certainly agree with your assessment of the Social Gospel. My modem Catholic counterparts unwittingly promote the New World Order. Your statement about (Catholic) counterfeit religion is understandable (lack of better word for me) but we need to put that aside to fight the evil globalism that most Catholics and Protestants are unwittingly (or knowingly) promoting.

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Hi Hazel,

Please let me clarify... I am against the abuse of the gift. These are people who publicly speak gibberish for their own self-edification and not for the edification of the church body. This is happening more and more in the church today.

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Praying in tongues? in 1 Corinthians 14:18 the apostle Paul says, "I thank God that I speak in tongues more than any of you". I have prayed in tongues for almost 40 years, and it has blessed me beyond words. Why would you say that? Why attack praying in tongues?

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I agree with your assessment for the most part. The argument against what being filled with the Spirit is not worth throwing in. Surely it, likes works are the fruit of faith and salvation thru Christ alone and not requierments of salvation. Paul makes it clear when talking about tongues, " how then will the ungifted hear?" " not all speak in tongues, do they?" James gives us good balance in dealing with faith and works, that is - if there is no fruit (works) it is highly questionable whether there is salvation. In this battle I do believe we have to be careful about being too dogmatic. That goes for dealing with Catholics as well. We shall be known by our love, not our dogmatic self righteous indignation. I am convinced TGC is a nest of ecclesiastical intelligencia that are tares in the wheat. These are the end times decievers. While we are called to hold up the standard of the word, I find their reach is so vast we cannot alter the course of their deciet. We can't sort the tares, only Christ can do that. I find most churches have a literal slobbering love affair withTGC and it's ilk like Keller, it IS their go to place. The time to stop it was when Keller was birthing the Seeker Friendly movement years ago. The great falling away is now, and this is the pry bar of Satan to divide the church. We have to ask, is my hand on Satans pry bar, or on the cross?

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