This is actually a thing? We are absolutely in the last days of this world.

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Yes, it is a thing... unbelievable!

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Another sign of what happens when, refusing the fear of God (the beginning of wisdom), He gives people up to themselves. But lest we get comfortable pointing fingers at this particular depravity, we have to recognize: there but for God's grace go we all. ANYTHING can become an idol.

So-called eating disorders ultimately stem from sin. I coached a large girls' high school cross-country (running) team in an affluent liberal (largely godless) community for 8 years in hopes of ministering Christ to girls under the spell of the eating disorders I fully expected to find there. Turns out, they were more widespread and entrenched than I ever imagined, in every form, tightly interwoven with things like cutting (suicidal experimentation), transgender madness (several kids I once coached went all the way with that), drug use, shoplifting, sexual licentiousness, and outright suicide. It was heartbreaking.

And (subject for another post/comment) EDs are far more common among males than most people realize. (I was anorexic in high school as a runner, but it's rampant in sports like wrestling, football (in a different way), cycling, ice-skating, and gymnastics.

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It is so sad that people spend so much time and energy on temporal things and little to none on the relationship with their creator...

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“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,” is a command none of us would even begin to obey unless the Lord put that desire into us. Left to ourselves, our first love is for all the “THEN these things will be added,” stuff.

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Please give a guy a warning before you put pictures like that in front of them while they are eating breakfast… I almost choked on my biscuit.

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This is about the saddest thing I have seen...heard...or read about. These people need prayer.

Thank you for sharing and educating us.

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Yes, pray for them...

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I was not even aware of this! The world has truly gone insane!

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Indeed it has...

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Gluttony is one of the 7 Catholic sins. I guess this sinful generation has to max out all sins.

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That sounds about right!

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Sep 28Liked by Jim McCraigh

Hear, my son, and be wise, and direct your heart in the way. Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.

(Pro 23:19-21)

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Wow! Just wow. Eating disorders are one thing, but overeating on purpose is something else entirely.

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Well said!

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Sep 28Liked by Jim McCraigh

If one does not want God, the devil has you on his list of steal, kill, and destroy.

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Sep 30Liked by Jim McCraigh

The devil has all of us on his list. We either have the protection of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which happens at the moment of salvation or we don't. Either way we all need to remain vigilant. He still "prowls around like lion looking for someone to devour". (1 Peter 5:8-9)

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Well said Jackie!

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Very true...

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Great work exposing the derangement of society.

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There is so much it's hard to keep up!

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Sep 28Liked by Jim McCraigh

It's as if they have such low self esteem that they don't value human life.

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Good point!

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More and more flesh will never satisfy the flesh. Believing that it will is the baited hook that the Idol of Greed beckons the worldly in with to attain the desired goal: people destroying themselves in the service of Satanic lies. Mukbanging is just one of many in his bag of trendy and deadly perversions.

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Greedy and perverse is a good description...

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.........and I thought that the "TidePod Challenge" was about as dangerous as it could get.....

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Sep 28Liked by Jim McCraigh

That Nikocado guy is just Demonic, he’s homosexual too.

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"Parents, protect your children from this garbage…"

The fact that I've never even heard of this "garbage" before reading this must count for something. But I suppose if boys can be made to believe they're girls and vice versa, this is just another destructive road to follow.

Pray with me for revival and for those who abuse themselves so.

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We live in a strange world. I had an 800# client who spent her days like a puddle of spilled pudding, while her "feeder" pretended to be her friend and caregiver. I organized an intervention to get her to U of Michigan's bariatric center. She died a month later and her feeder found another Mukbanger to slide his penis into.

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