Thank you you for flagging this up. A Barbie movie from Hollywood. 'oh ow dolly' is an anagram of Hollywood. Very suitable.

Hollywood is of course full of dollies. And 'dollies' is an anagram of 'el idols'. The connections are clear.

The whole LGBTQ+ etc. is an ungodly nonsense. Transgender is the final result of pride and abandoning the heavenly Father's guidance. Lucifer, now Satan, is LGBTQ+ hence where we are now in all this insanity.



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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

Sad very very sad, Barbie is making millions, not a peep out of the pulpits. The movie has mass appeal to woman, even conservative commentators are saying the movie is not that bad, its all like a bad dream.


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Thank you for your comment... You are right. There is no peep out of the pulpit on this. I would call that profoundly disappointing.

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Why am I not surprised about this movie!

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Great Substack Jim McCraigh!

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This is typical for Hollywood. Marketing budgets are shockingly high because like most things in the commercial world; the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Repeat something often enough and people come to believe it.

“If you build it they will come” is more than a catchy line from a 90s movie. It reveals how people are attracted to a good dumpster fire rather than some boring scriptures promising real change of hearts and minds through faith in God.

What can bring more peace and joy than Romans 6:23 or Romans 12:1-2?

Or Phillipians 2:5-8?

Nothing, that’s what.

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Thank you for your comment and the Note!

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'Barbie' reportedly had a $150 million marketing budget — more than the movie's actual budget


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Thank you very much for the info!

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I really didn't know about the movie until I saw a Regressive Insurance commercial tying into it. With backers like that, I figured it was more LGBT-friendly trash.

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More craziness. I may have already said - You have a good voice for doing audio, Jim!

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Thank you for your kind words!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

As I have said in the past, it is getting crazier by the minute. God is showing who is who. This has been going on with the children movies for a while in a subtle way. Unless one has discernment, a lot of stuff goes unnoticed. I sit under a shepherd who speaks from the heart of God. One who keeps us in the spiritual know. Thank you for sharing this with me. I can let my granddaughter know about this so she will not be caught off guard. I be watching and checking on what my great grandchildren be watching and reading. God always allows the enemy to run his course because He has a time limit as to when He will show up and show out. It just a matter of will those who profess to be believers in Christ will be with Him or the enemy. Will we be in the places He has called us to and doing the work that is given to us to do like you. Whatever the call to wherever we are called to. We must be steadfast in our faith. I pray that we stay suited up in the armor of God being alert and praying all kinds of prayers, standing on the promises of God and not wavering. I also pray that us intercessors stay on the wall watching and praying in the spirit, hitting our target deal center. Be blessed my brother and be wrapped up in Psalms 91. May God keep you and surround you with His mighty angels fighting on your behalf as you march forward carrying the bloodstain banner. Peace be yours in Jesus' name, amen.

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention Jim. We might need a "Radical Leftist Progressive Watch Crew" organization to compile a list of education and entertainment-based material for parents and educators alike to access, purely for the sake of protecting the moral development of our youth.

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I never trusted Barbie. Those giant boobs and that tiny waist may have caused some Mattel engineers to masturbate wildly, but that's another story. We are deluged with television programs, movies, and other media attempts to get us to hate Christianity and families. This movie will be sent to a streaming service next month and forgotten - unless Mattel decides it is time to create and sell a Ken doll with a removable penis.

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Thank you for the heads up Jim. All part of the plans to destroy our way of life we've been warned about over and over. Not seeing that the enemy has a big picture plan. Regular Americans are living their lives. Taking care of their families, businesses. While the enemy has extraordinary patience. Like a chameleon sneaking up on an insect. Never dwelling on any setbacks. Always forward with the plan.

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Garbage in, garbage out. Boycott and avoid this perversion of young minds.

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Let them destroy themselves. I never liked the Barbie doll and her pop culture paraphernalia. I thought she promoted early sexualization fixation in very young girls at a time when PlayBoy culture was peaking, also she epitomized superficiality, acquisition and materialism. We never had a Barbie doll in our house, and nobody felt deprived. I never saw a Barbie movie, but I find it hard to believe that they promoted "family values."

I pray that Mattel and Disney will implode and take all their pernicious trash with them.

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Sorry I meant WARNER BROTHERS that partnered in producing this Hot mess of a movie. People should inform themselves about what other assets WB and Mattel own and boycott those as well

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