You would think that it would only be people outside the church who would be the ones that brazenly mock God... but you would be wrong. In the past few months, some of the worst mockeries of God have been coming from inside the church.
Not only that, it’s coming from the pulpit...
It’s coming from those who falsely hold themselves out to be pastors and shepherds but are wolves in shepherd’s clothing. A “pastor” or teacher who supposedly knows scripture goes beyond a simple lack of judgment when they mock God. Instead, they consciously decide to call good evil and evil good. And they are doing it with breathtaking arrogance.
To mock God is to disrespect, ridicule, or insult Him. Mockers have no respect for God, only disdain and visceral contempt for the Creator of the universe, perhaps because they are not God themselves.
Consider the following...
A self-described gay “pastor”, Brandan Robertson trumpets himself as a serious biblical scholar and theologian. Robertson advocates for sexual immorality and teaches that sex outside biblical marriage is “good”.
Robertson now claims Jesus and Paul preached two different Gospels. In his words... “Except I literally just showed you, based on Paul’s own words, that Jesus and Paul did not preach the same gospel. Paul talks about his gospel; he makes a distinction. If you read the book of Romans, Paul talks about “the gospel,” the gospel that Jesus preached, and “my gospel,” the gospel Paul preached. They are different.”
Robertson also argues that the story of Jesus commanding Lazarus to “come out” was actually about commanding him to come out of the closet as a homosexual.
The two Gospel thing doesn’t seem to be in my copy of Romans...
Bethel School of Prophets “apostle and pastor” Kris Vallotton recently taught that “Jesus frequently took verses out of context and made them say what they didn’t mean”. The school for prophets is part of Bethel Church in Redding, California. Bethel is famous for its unbiblical teachings, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, grave sucking, fake healings, and the prosperity gospel. But now they are venturing beyond that. Vallotton recently told his congregation that God made Adam both male and female and that when God created Eve, he broke Adam in half.
Vallotton has also taught that Jesus walked into the bathroom while Vallotton was in the tub and told him that “he was a great leader and was going to be a prophet to kings, prime ministers, and governors”.
The latest Bethel scam is their “Prophetic Lab”, a ten-session course limited to ten participants. The fee is $550 per person, producing $5500 in revenue for the church. Another Bethel course is called “Prophesying Your Year.” In just two and a half hours, it claims that “you will learn how to prophesy specific, accurate words, how to prophesy signs that testify to larger promises, and you’ll receive a beautifully designed digital calendar in which you can put your prophetic words.” That course is only $49. The average Sunday attendance at Bethel is around 11,500 people, most of whom are being deceived every week.
I’m not aware of any Old Testament prophets who attended Bethel’s Prophetic Lab...
Leo Wolters Tejera is a 32-year-old gay, trans, non-binary “Christian minister” with a following. “Leo” has come out as a lesbian, then as trans, then as non-binary”. He teaches that the nature of God Himself proves that the concept of “binary” does not exist. He also says that the church as an institution was queer from the beginning.
What chapter and verse is that one? I’m not seeing it...
Duke Divinity School is a United Methodist-affiliated school in North Carolina that often declares God is queer, a drag queen, and a trans-man. Future pastor Caroline Camp said during an address. “We at Duke Divinity Pride want to create a worship space that honors and celebrates all of our unique and good identities.” Dukes’ Divinity School is fast becoming radically disconnected from true Christianity. It is no surprise that leftist divinity students would end up making gods in their own image: gay, woke, and gender fluid.
Doesn’t the Bible teach us that God is unchanging and is the same yesterday, today, and forever?
A few months ago, Planned Parenthood announced nine new clergy advocacy board members. Seven of the nine are women posing as pastors, which is not biblical. All nine lead their congregations and others astray as shepherds in wolve’s clothing. The list includes the Rev. Emily Harden of West Virginia, Rabbi Sarah Smiley of Kansas, the Rev. Katey Zeh of North Carolina, the Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters of North Carolina, the Rev. Elise Saulsberry of Tennessee, the Rev. Latishia James-Portis of Georgia, the Rev. Stephen Griffith of Nebraska, the Rev. Elle Dowd of Illinois, and the Rev. Tim Kutzmark of California.
How can members of the “clergy” promote a culture of child sacrifice?
Isaac Simmons, a drag queen who serves as an associate pastor at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Illinois, goes by the name “Ms. Pennycost”. A self-described ‘dragvangelist’, he was recently invited to Allendale United Methodist Church in Saint Petersburg, Florida, to preach a children’s sermon where he and the senior pastor had children approach the pulpit to introduce them to the LGBTQ lifestyle. During that sermon, the senior pastor falsely taught Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,” actually justifies someone being a drag queen and that “Ms. Pennycost” was there to demonstrate that.
Simmons recently published a new video of himself performing his “poetry”. In it, Simmons states that “God must be f***ing nothing if her boundaryless, transubstantiated bodies of color are run down, beaten, and strewn in the streets of America instead of ruling the runways of life.”
If that is Simmon’s attitude, one has to seriously question his career choice...
Galatians 6:7 reads... “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Charles G. Finney, a preacher in the 1800s, astutely summed up the effects of mocking God: “To mock God is to pretend to love and serve Him when we do not; to act in a false manner, to be insincere and hypocritical in our professions, pretending to obey Him, love, serve, and worship Him, when we do not. Mocking God grieves the Holy Spirit and sears the conscience, and thus the bands of sin become stronger and stronger. The heart becomes gradually hardened by such a process.”
If you are in any of these “churches” or another one like it, it is past time to head for the exits before you become hard of heart yourself.
Good post, thanks. The massive failure of religious “leaders” to interpret the teachings correctly and to live them is pretty legendary. This is widespread across all spiritual disciplines and nation states. It has become more and more prevalent as tyranny intensifies.
As usual, great post Jim! Translating to the secular, we have election "results." If we accept the polling, about half the voters go democrat. That party embraces drag queens, abortion up to birth, and castration of children. That sums it up.