Thanks for this post. However, none of the gadgets that are given to children for the most part are safe. Many things that are designed for kids as well as adults have had curses spoken over them. We all better wake up to what time it is. We are to walk by the Spirit of God that directs us in all things.

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Well said!

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Chick-fil-A is worse than a infidel.

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Thanks Jim. Dan Cathy is rolling in his grave!

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Dan Cathy is alive and well

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Pardon. I meant S. Truett Cathy.

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Oh, my goodness a great find Jim! I might stop by to get one of those happy-clappy meals for non-existent grandson to check it out! Even since they went woke a few years ago, no more eating that chicken. The TV commercials - gag me with a spoon!.

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