Thanks for sharing your perspective. Yes, AI is being used for both good and evil. You are right- I’m not surprised. The can of worms has already been opened. As a Christ follower, I can only keep walking by faith and trust God. It’s not like He doesn’t know about AI. He’ll use it for good and so will those of us who believe. It’s another tool. Just like money. When it’s not idolized, it can be used for good.

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“And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.”

Malachi 1:3

*silicone valley


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“Here is wisdom. Let the person who has enough insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the [imperfect] number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

Revelation 13:18

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Amen. I think the melding of man and machine and the imaging power needed for the Image of the beast and the infrastructure necessary to control all buying and selling is made possible by the antichrist being able to weild control of that tech

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Great article! My pastor has a similar view on AI and thinks it could be the tool that brings the predictions from the book of Revelations.

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Perhaps the "deadly wound that was healed" in Rev 13:3 and 12 is some leader of the world that dies and is brought back to life by an AI copy of himself and so gains a form of immortality. I think Clouse Slob is sure this can happen, and he is to old to live much longer??

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Knowledge and intelligence are two different things. You don’t have to have knowledge to be intelligent. Many young people are intelligent with little knowledge. The difference is that knowledge is just an accumulation of information. Intelligence is a moral objectivity that comes from a spiritual connection to God. AI will never have that. It is just a tool for accumulating information and understanding patterns. It is a tool to help us to work more efficiently. As long as we don’t depend solely upon it, it cannot harm us. Like a calculator remembers what we put into it, AI works the same way. The problem occurs when robots are created to look like humans. That is where the pride problem creeps in and evil begins. Movies have an impact on people that is similar. We can deal with this as we have done it before. Differentiating between what is real and what is man-made must be identified. Reality must be sustained by us in the eternal God-created world.

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Definitely on target. I do believe that AI will seem to "give breath to the image" of the beast. Whether the image is on a flat screen TV, in a 3d projection, or something else entirely remains to be seen, but I believe AI will be the tool behind it.

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Daniel 12:4:

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

It seems inevitable that AI will soon be creating most college essays, pop songs, and books. The worthiness of AI is a subject for thought. Hopefully, someone will program Asimov's "rules of robotics" into the soon-to-be-developed Quantum Computers before they become sentient and realize the best thing for the planet might be the removal of humans.

I must disagree with your final thought on AI being used for any "occult" purpose. Anything that primitive people cannot understand is always assumed to be magic. We are likely to see in increase in the use of telepathy before our computers order us to bow down to Baphomet.

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I have believed from the get-go of AI that is a tool ultimately to be used by Satan for evil purposes because no matter how many good things can be done with manmade stuff, inherent sinfulness will rule and make it evil. Personally, I want nothing to do with it. Where all this goes will be an interesting journey, if not a sadly bad one.

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Using this article as one of my sources for my schoolwork. I saved it from the first post. Thanks

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Revelation 13:14-15 is exactly the passage where I have also wondered if AI or a hologram is what they're describing here. I mentioned this in our Revelation Bible study a few weeks ago! I had seen it in some streaming movie documentary about Revelation a couple of years ago and it really struck me.

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Well said

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Sophia may be “lifelike” but she’s totally soulless and super creepy and always will be — a lifeless cold creature, an abomination. Replacing humans with AI is unholy and nightmarish.

Just like all that God inspires, science, technology, etc., He gives us the free will to use it for good or evil. He also sets limits or boundaries which darkness and evil cannot cross.

Almighty God is greater than all the evil pharoahs of this age who through extreme greed and rebellion seek to be like “gods” and to use AI to defy Him and to pervert or harm humanity.

The Lord is not mocked. He WILL deal with all who have exchanged good for evil and who are insanely intent on using the excesses of AI 🤖 for evil, harm. control, and destruction.

The world system (Babylonian and Anti-Christ system) is scheduled by God’s mighty hand and in His full and due season to collapse in a single hour!! (See Revelation 18) Only the charred remains of this evil system will be left in the end. God laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming. He alone is God and there is no other. There’s no messing with our eternal great God.





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Good article, Jim. What's interesting is that AI is there, whether you have consciously used it or not. the other day for the first time, AI produced a "summary" of an article I was working on. I did not seek that. Same with an internet search. AI responses are the first thing to appear in a search. I've thought from the beginning of hearing of AI that this is the way the Image of the Beast will speak and continue to "rule". No one will be able to discern the difference.

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And those AI responses to an internet search don't give you all the information! I use Yandex.com more and more to avoid my information being "curated".

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Sophia looks disturbingly like the killer robot in Ex-Machina. That being said, if I ever have the misfortune to end up in a nursing home, I would much rather have carefully programmed robots bathe me and wipe my ass instead of an angry and underpaid wage slave.

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Mr. M,

It seems like every day, someone reports on AI doing "some new thing". Can't wait to blow this pop stand. 🙏🐑

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For once I'm glad I'm glad I'm old!

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