They will make the United States like Canada. It's part of their great reset. They will not stop. They believe in their holy woke/Gnostic occult religion. Our "leaders" serve the dark hidden masters and will never admit it. Praying for wisdom and discernment every day.

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Globalists shipped America's manufacturing sector jobs to other countries. Globalist import immigrants from other countries to take American service sector jobs. What's left to take?

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From the looks of it, not much!

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I remember MSNBC interviewing the laughing hyena Kamala simply asking, have you been to the border? She said not today, and then said she had not yet been to Paris either and laughed. This is happening in every country of the West. This intentional destruction of life as we know it. Democrats take credit for creating the middle class through unionization. They say they want to protect the middle class while behind the curtains they are destroying it. I recall Klaus Schwab said the middle class in the U.S. was what was standing in the way of their Great Reset agenda. Bill Gates owns the patent 060606 where people will be rewarded cryptocurrency based on efforts the person accomplishes but then it volunteers the information that it will not be a microchip put under the skin, so it likely will be. I like that Donald Trump promised if he gets into the WH there would be no CBDC but he should not say these things because the globalists do not want him in office and the UN fears him being re-elected. I watched a series on CBS called "The Good Fight" and I have to assume they believe everyone who watches their cable channel is a Democrat. Before the 2020 election there was a secret group within the DNC that planned to infect voting machines with Malware that would take votes from Republican runners and give them to the Democrats. This sure seemed to be a possible reality. Democrats claim to hold Democracy so dear while behind the scenes they are stomping on the Constitution and if Kamala gets in office you can bet Amendments 1 & 2 are done. You can see people being arrested in the UK over posts on social media and Gavin Newsom just passed a law about memes. As Christians we are not really supposed to be of this world because it is dying but we should still feel obligated to do what is right while we are here on earth. This means voting and bringing family members along to vote. Trump has acknowledged the country needs more "God" while Kamala has vowed to go after Christians, so we must fight this evil while we are here on earth and pray that God protects Trump and that he heals this nation. I tell you on a side note when he made comment of being Dictator for a day, eliminating the Democrat Party would be a great step. I watch 5 minute clip of many Democrats calling for violence and even inciting it like Hillary, Maxine Waters, and Kamala herself. If the Department of Just Us was really legitimate they would go after all these people but they won't. Marxist Communism with Totalitarianism is coming if Trump does not get elected so pray, pray, PRAY!

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This is Postville, USA on steroids

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13 hrs agoLiked by Jim McCraigh

VP Cackle is the personification of evil in this world, and especially in this country. She literally knows no other way by which to live.

'Why can’t you understand what I am saying? It’s because you can’t even hear me! For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:43-44

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While the trafficking and exploitation of illegal aliens is disgusting (and indicative of the thought process of capitalist pigs), it is too late to suggest that "This is no longer about cats." While the media and 'responsible' elected officials want to close that story down ASAP, there is evidence that illegal aliens are, indeed, raiding county parks, slaughtering and eating the geese in those parks, and stealing pets for their savage appetites.

That being said, unless Trump is not assassinated in the next six weeks, we may be able to learn about the 1963 assassination of JFK and how the CIA stole control of the USA.

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