We forget that Satan rules the Earth (Luke 4:6) and he is very good at his job. Yah has told us in advance how it plays out. Move to Philadelphia, your eternal salvation will depend on it.

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Thank you for your comment... Well said!

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Mr. McCraigh, very good information! I spent a good portion of my late teens and twenties in severe rebellion, falling into the Leftist pit of how wonderful Marxism was, how great Communism was and et al. The Left seems to "impress" disaffected youth especially, with the lovely lies of "equality" and etc. I came to Christ in my childhood, went through terrible grief in youth with sudden deaths of both my Mom (stroke, 1966) and my brother (he died in Vietnam, 1968) within two years of one another. That knocked me off my close relationship with God and His Son. I took my grief and anger, especially over my brother's death in Vietnam, and pursued Leftist ideology. Fortunately for me, Holy Spirit took out after me and did not stop His loving pursuit of this ragged and sorrowful Prodigal and finally I returned to the Household of God after 35 years of fruitless wandering. God is merciful and I am so grateful. I will never wander again! That is much of what I personally write about here on Substack, the lies of the devil and how one Boomer survived wandering and came back Home. From the Psalmist: "I would rather be a doorkeep in the House of God that live in the tents of wickedness."

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Thank you for sharing that...

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

I hear what you are saying, but man cannot remove God from any place, person, or thing. The earth belongs to God and everything in it. God removes Himself when we refuse Him. If the teachers and administrators have God in them then God is in the school. If us who is in Christ pray the way we should (and I am included) then a lot of stuff would not be happening. However, what has been ordained to take place no one can stop. The thing is knowing what to pray for and what not to pray against. No law can stop a true Christian from praying. We have a mandate to pray without ceasing. And God gives us strategy.

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023Author

Well said thank you! You're right... it is an issue of people's rejection of God.

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I doubt that Theosophy has had any part in the self-destruction of the USA by its perennial malcontents, atheists, and idiots. Blavatsky wrote in the nineteenth century and by quoting such historians and philsophers as Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, etc., she did not harm practicing Christians. In fact, she showed that all of mankind has a universal desire to seek the Truth. It is not the Hindus' fault that Jesus was not born in New Delhi and none of the many civilizations who sought to find a unity and coherence by envisioning a holy trinity did worse than Saul.

What is happening is the inevitable corruption and destruction of a religion and a society that was founded on Judeo-Christian morals and laws. Life is change and we are living through a period of chaos which must end in either the return of Christ, the end of life, or the birth of a new world.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

Charles that's the problem with many Christians, we are more wrapped up in religion then we are in Christ Jesus who is the foundation of the Church. There is only one Church. There is no black, white, red, yellow, or even non-denominational church, it just one body of believers from all over the world. We Just have different congregations of people that's all. Like your comment.

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

Something else worth mentioning here is that all of this ties into Marxist teachings and philosophy that were becoming more wide spread and mainstream in the 1960s. One teaching in particular came from Antonio Gramsci who put forth the idea that in order to establish communism in a country, the culture had to be changed and then communism could be established. This led to the beginnings of the LGBTQ movement.

During that time, many of the counter cultural movements were actively fund, trained, and supported by the Soviet KGB as a way of demoralizing the US so that Communism could begin to take root. Though the Soviet Union was atheist, it would support any ideas that would subvert American culture. Paganism and Communism have the same source; Satan.

Tying this into what you saying here in this post is the dedication of Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals" to lucifer, "the first revolutionary against oppression"

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Yes, how sadly I remember Mr. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" dedication to lucifer being a "revolutionary." I believe lucifer was fired from his postion as an archangel and removed from the premises...to pursue much mischief...but he will one day spend Eternity in a not-fun location, along with his fallen angel cohorts.

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Thank You. Great points... It certainly can be tied in. Americans have been indoctrinated to be open to Marxism, in which the state replaces God. I'll expand on that in part four.

Appreciate the suggestion!

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You're welcome. Marxism-Leninism is something that I've been reading about and trying to understand for a little while now and have started adding it into what I write about. We need more of us to write and speak about the dangers of this ideology. Hopefully we can wake the church to what is happening and how it all ties together.

Thank you for writing this series. It ties a lot together with things that I've read and considered writing.

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The insidiousness of Obergefell has no end. The reasoning used to arrive at the decision (spelled out in gory detail by Judge Walker in the 9th Circuit) is total garbage ... employing the arbitrary fact/value split. If you can't prove something with science (so sayeth Judge Walker), it cannot serve as evidence in a legal proceeding. Yet, that statement alone is an expression of value.

Thank you for this great series!

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You are very welcome! People like Walker apparently do not subscribe to the notion of absolute truth... therefore, it makes it easy for them to believe such things. Love your Substack, just recommended it to my readers.

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Thank you for the recco! I am gearing up to dive into worldview and law. So few understand how SCOTUS became the arbiter of American thought and values. This is why I love Justice Thomas so much.

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Great essay. Those who might disagree would be quite dogmatic about their worldview!

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If they can articulate it, right?

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Depends on the definition of “articulate” (of Marxism). LOL

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And that's why the Left hates Judge Thomas so much...

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They understand NOTHING .... I used to move among their ranks. The level of cognitive dissonance is breathtaking.

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