With a leftist pope no one is surprised.

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A way left Marxist for sure!

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So is this stupid Pope.

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Sep 15Liked by Jim McCraigh

Wow, that’s not good.

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Sep 15Liked by Jim McCraigh

They are not the only NGO!

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Sadly, you are right... there are scores of them!

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The outsourcing of government funded safety net services to "private" entities has compromised the missions of many long standing charitable orgs. They have become little more than gatekeepers and are now quasi-governmental orgs.

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Some have even become parasites and betrayers...

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So Pope Francis in Singapore just said the following:

"Every religion is a way to arrive at God. There are different languages to arrive at God but God is God for all.

"But my God is more important than your god, is that true?

"There is only 1 God & each of has a language to arrive at God. Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, they are different paths."


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The Pope could not be more wrong. He is a false teacher...

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I no longer identify as Catholic. This Pope is a wrecker not a Shepherd. My faith does not need a church or Pope.

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Amen to that Kelly!

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A concise and clear description of one of the most despicable organizations in America that has the unmitigated gall to call themselves Catholic! Excellent job Jim!

Next in line in money and corruption is Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

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And the Pope lets it happen...

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Speaking of, he weighed in on Americans voting saying choose the lesser of two evils. Harris is for abortion and Trump is mean to illegals.

Fun fact: Vatican City does allow immigration. LESS THAN A HANDFUL A YEAR. ALL LEGAL!

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The Pope is now officially worse than useless... he is leading people through the broad gate rather than the narrow one.

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The Pope is selected from the Black Nobility so of course he's corrupt.

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The deep state has invaded the Vatican as well as every country.

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Sep 14Liked by Jim McCraigh

As a recovering Catholic I would say don’t give a dime to this corrupt church…..

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100% agreed...

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You have a clear eye and a clear mind. Many Christians think they are doing God's will by donating some of their expendable income to organizations that continue to make the world a more dangerous place - while hurting those who need help.

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Thank you for your kind words Charles. They foolishly donate because pastors are horribly failing to equip their congregations...

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This is so true. When I finally woke up and refuse to give money to all these NGO causes. Catholic relief fund, Catholic charities, special programs for all the countries around the world. Yet the people in out own neighborhood are not given help other than free food distribution once a month. 🤬

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Sadly, Amerika has become degraded to the point that people are reverting to superstitiously leaving gifts for their chosen gods. While capitalism is by far the better of two extreme ideologies, it has made Americans worship money. And that is a hard addiction to kick.

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The problem with capitalism is capitalists... Not the system itself.

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Shepherds for Sale discusses this level of corruption happening within every denomination. A painful reality that those who lead us in faith are so easily enticed by the financial gain and fame brought by the darkest evil of this world. Clearly they skipped over Ephesians 6….

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The level of this corruption is mind-blowing!

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Sep 14Liked by Jim McCraigh

I do not have a problem with immigrants/migrants that come to the U.S. through legal channels at all. I saw video clip of man from Venezuela who had tons of followers and I want to say it was like 500k and he was dangling the carrot for other to come and was even telling his followers how they could take over vacant property. This had me really ticked. This guy has been arrested and likely sent back. During the debates Trump is talking about the border where Kamala flips and says he called Congress to kill the bill so it could be used as a talking point. I don't know if this is true or not. The Democrats have Senate majority so they could have still got the bill passed but didn't. Trump should have said this and with their deep hatred they should have went against him and got this border bill passed "IF" they really cared. They do not care. It's a multi billion dollar business by itself from the people paying their life savings to the Coyote's to get her, Fentanyl replaced Heroin, maybe why we left Afghanistan, and the trafficking of women and children. Greg Reese has Substack where he was pointing out factual information that the military aged single men are being sent here by the UN and are just waiting for their orders to attack U.S. Citizens. I pray that this is not true. Now in the UK if you post on social media anything against ILLEGALS, the way I like to put it you are subject to arrest. PM Starmer was here the other day meeting with Biden and EU officials to discuss using missiles on Russia. Putin is aware of this and said the US and EU members involved will be targeted. Here you can watch Putin's plan and Russia has become a predominately Christian country that does not allow all this woke LGBTQ+ stuff. He is offering temporary visitation with a path to citizenship for those wanting to escape the deterioration of the West. https://rumble.com/v5eubel-major-escalation-towards-wwiii.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

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Sep 16Liked by Jim McCraigh

Thanks for sharing the video, Dean.

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Thanks Dean...

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Mother Teresa herself was accused of running a child trafficking for decades.

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Sadly, I've heard that...

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Sep 14Liked by Jim McCraigh

The NGOs are the child trafficking network.

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An estimated 325,000 children have disappeared into these "systems"...

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Sep 14Liked by Jim McCraigh

They're extremely well organized.

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And they have lots of "customers".

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It's going on all over the world, but the US is the main buyer.

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deletedSep 16Liked by Jim McCraigh
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Sadly, millions of people still believe what he says...

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