In Africa though, there is an opposite version of that diluted gospel but still untrue anyway. It goes like, a pastor has a fault (everyone has issues right) in everyone, that issue needs urgent deliverance, and that needs anointed oil, water, pen, handkerchief sold by the church. There is always a product or a service at the tail end of whatever issues someone has. You can anyway book a one-on-one with the pastor of which you have to cough up a honorarium. "You cant just show up empty-handed."
I've been in quite the variety of congregations as a Pentacostal Christian over the years, both in Canada and the Caribbean.
From a church under a shed with 25 members and a lay pastor to a big name church from the states that only cared about money. A mega church style congregation that preached the whole Word, undiluted. A church that met at my neighbours house where that pastor preached revelation after revelation saving souls every service, and one that was nice looking but dead inside.
Those were all in the Caribbean, the one I'm in now in Canada fits right in the middle, not showy but preaching sound doctrine, ministering to the community, teaching in groups, events, meals, outreach you name it.
I see the tv churches and feel sorry for the people that attend there. The shed with 25 people was better than that.
This concerns us greatly, too. We have no local fellowships, but we travel across the river into the next state to meet with a few likeminded fellow believers. Pastor? We don't have one officially. We do have a leader, but we all discuss.
Amen, Jim!!! The “social gospel” is not the saving gospel. In fact it is not gospel at all. If Christ is not your Lord, he is definitely not your savior!
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’
23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Matthew 7:21-33
He also said:
Luke 6:46 (NIV)
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?
You are right on target. It seems that churches today want to entertain rather than preach the word. Money flows in and people attend for awhile but get fed up with the loud emotional music that hurts your eardrums. They preach part of the word but don’t hold their members to the inerrant word of Jesus Christ. Fortunately we belong to a church with about 50 members and a Pastor who preaches the real word of God!
I agree with some of your comments about not watering down the gospel but equally we should not add to what it calls us into. It calls us to repentance - that change of mind - a total life change of heart and head that leads us to cry out to God to save us - from which comes genuine belief and Faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ - we become truly reborn spiritually. If that has happened - we may still struggle with sin, but it will not manifest in a totally unchanged sin-filled life. If someone confesses belief in Christ but remains living an otherwise unchanged life - they clearly have not been born-again!. However, the process of Him becoming Lord of our lives is an ongoing process - teaching otherwise is the false gospel of Lordship Salvation!
That is one rasing it is good for the pastor ti gi through the Bible verses by verse. This prevents picking and choosing the comfortable passages and avoiding the uncomfortable ones.
Pastors facilitate our spiritual growth but they aren’t the only ones to be held accountable. I think the reverence of God is missing because people aren’t reading and studying God’s word for themselves. Yes, God is loving and kind but He’s also a just God and He won’t tolerate His truth being watered down. Everyone needs to take accountability of their faith.
Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde is the best example of a Satanic force that has taken over many churches. We all know the story of how she humiliated and dressed-down President Trump at the National Cathedral. Like the Chinese water-drip torture, this evil Marxist crone had a hostage to torture. President Trump could never have flipped her off and walked out: he is a better man than me. I like to think that I would have shoved the bitch off the podium.
By the way, Roy Orbison's IN DREAMS is one of my favorite songs.
Too many of them. I think they’re still using the mega church to describe many of them. Cafe’s, lounges, fluff events. “Seeker friendly” vibe.
Keep ‘em on the bottle, never progressing to the meat. And none that I attended ever got into eschatology either.
Pray these shepherds wake up, are exposed, repent or replaced. Pray for the hunger of the people would be ignited for the meat, and either require this from their church, or leave. Start up a home church if they cannot find a church home that is true to the Whole Gospel.
In Africa though, there is an opposite version of that diluted gospel but still untrue anyway. It goes like, a pastor has a fault (everyone has issues right) in everyone, that issue needs urgent deliverance, and that needs anointed oil, water, pen, handkerchief sold by the church. There is always a product or a service at the tail end of whatever issues someone has. You can anyway book a one-on-one with the pastor of which you have to cough up a honorarium. "You cant just show up empty-handed."
Isaac, thank you for sharing that!
I've been in quite the variety of congregations as a Pentacostal Christian over the years, both in Canada and the Caribbean.
From a church under a shed with 25 members and a lay pastor to a big name church from the states that only cared about money. A mega church style congregation that preached the whole Word, undiluted. A church that met at my neighbours house where that pastor preached revelation after revelation saving souls every service, and one that was nice looking but dead inside.
Those were all in the Caribbean, the one I'm in now in Canada fits right in the middle, not showy but preaching sound doctrine, ministering to the community, teaching in groups, events, meals, outreach you name it.
I see the tv churches and feel sorry for the people that attend there. The shed with 25 people was better than that.
This concerns us greatly, too. We have no local fellowships, but we travel across the river into the next state to meet with a few likeminded fellow believers. Pastor? We don't have one officially. We do have a leader, but we all discuss.
Walking on the Narrow Road with a cross is not for everyone who calls themselves Christian, pastors included.
Bishop Mariann Budde is a prime example of a false prophet. Allie Beth Stuckey points that out perfectly in this YouTube short:
Amen, Jim!!! The “social gospel” is not the saving gospel. In fact it is not gospel at all. If Christ is not your Lord, he is definitely not your savior!
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’
23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Matthew 7:21-33
He also said:
Luke 6:46 (NIV)
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” Matthew 7:15
You are right on target. It seems that churches today want to entertain rather than preach the word. Money flows in and people attend for awhile but get fed up with the loud emotional music that hurts your eardrums. They preach part of the word but don’t hold their members to the inerrant word of Jesus Christ. Fortunately we belong to a church with about 50 members and a Pastor who preaches the real word of God!
I agree with some of your comments about not watering down the gospel but equally we should not add to what it calls us into. It calls us to repentance - that change of mind - a total life change of heart and head that leads us to cry out to God to save us - from which comes genuine belief and Faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ - we become truly reborn spiritually. If that has happened - we may still struggle with sin, but it will not manifest in a totally unchanged sin-filled life. If someone confesses belief in Christ but remains living an otherwise unchanged life - they clearly have not been born-again!. However, the process of Him becoming Lord of our lives is an ongoing process - teaching otherwise is the false gospel of Lordship Salvation!
That is one rasing it is good for the pastor ti gi through the Bible verses by verse. This prevents picking and choosing the comfortable passages and avoiding the uncomfortable ones.
Agree that watered down theology is pervasive. This returns us to a point I emphasize about the tension between “church” vs individual responsibility.
The antidote for a watery pulpit is a meaty personal study.
Work out your own salvation … pastor can and should help, but it’s not up to him.
Pastors facilitate our spiritual growth but they aren’t the only ones to be held accountable. I think the reverence of God is missing because people aren’t reading and studying God’s word for themselves. Yes, God is loving and kind but He’s also a just God and He won’t tolerate His truth being watered down. Everyone needs to take accountability of their faith.
Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde is the best example of a Satanic force that has taken over many churches. We all know the story of how she humiliated and dressed-down President Trump at the National Cathedral. Like the Chinese water-drip torture, this evil Marxist crone had a hostage to torture. President Trump could never have flipped her off and walked out: he is a better man than me. I like to think that I would have shoved the bitch off the podium.
By the way, Roy Orbison's IN DREAMS is one of my favorite songs.
Gotta Love Roy... Listen to IN DREAMS here
You da man, Jim. I've been unable to forward youtube songs for a couple of months.
Amen to that! ✝️🙏✝️
Too many of them. I think they’re still using the mega church to describe many of them. Cafe’s, lounges, fluff events. “Seeker friendly” vibe.
Keep ‘em on the bottle, never progressing to the meat. And none that I attended ever got into eschatology either.
Pray these shepherds wake up, are exposed, repent or replaced. Pray for the hunger of the people would be ignited for the meat, and either require this from their church, or leave. Start up a home church if they cannot find a church home that is true to the Whole Gospel.