Great work Jim!

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Frederick, Thank you for including the link to further the discussion. People need to read it and understand the depth of the evil in our public educational system!

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

I been praying that parents would homeschool their children if the parents are able to do so. Education starts at home. I also pray for God to shift out the evil ones and bring in the righteous ones into the school from the administrators to the janitor. Furthermore, the bible states that the parents are the one who are to teach their children. Parents are to lay a sound foundation for their children so when they enter into school, they will not be thrown for a loop. And the parents are to make sure what is being taught is in line with the Word. The Body of Christ really cannot be mad at the world for doing what they do; however, us Christian should be mad at ourselves for dropping the ball and not doing as we should have done, built more Christian schools and put Christian teachers and administrators in position who are sold out for God. Nevertheless, God has a remnant that is rising up for His glory. Thank you for your passionate messages that are from the heart. God bless you.

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Great analysis Jim! Same plan, different day!

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You put it in words so well, Jim. I look forward to your articles (and audio).

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

Sadly 💯 accurate. I am forwarding this to many. Thank you.

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Magda, thank you so much for forwarding the post! It is important that as many people as possible see the truth!

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Excellent article. Thank you for reminding me to review John Dewey's political philosophy and the impact of Dewey’s ideas on the education system.

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Another false educator in the USA is Hollywood (better be called Hellytrannywood) teaching false history, even of the WW2 Holocaust, through their movies.

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Thanks for the comment... it's always good to hear from you!

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Great post. The U.S. school system was actually based by Horace Mann on the Prussian system of strict authoritarian control. And it was the first institution targeted by the post-Marx Communists.

"The history of education shows that every class which has sought to take power has prepared itself for power by an autonomous education. The first step in emancipating oneself from political and social slavery is that of freeing the mind."

Antonio Gramsci (1935), quoted in Antonio Gramsci - Long March Through the Institutions to Achieve Communism (1977)

Of course, Gramsci's real intention was the enslaving of minds.

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Thank you for the information... it will be useful for an eventual follow-up piece!

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Much of what the Nazi’s and the Commie’s did in the last century is creeping into our culture today. What followed those regimes is what is really important, mass genocide. They are creating a morality vacuum in our schools by removing God, all vacuums are filled, and this one will be filled with pure evil. Our Grandkids are in private schools God is welcome and wokeism is not.

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Thank you for speaking much needed "truth to power".

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at least 86 cents out of our tax dollar goes to public education. it is the most powerful government dept. in any of our gov. institutions. they meet every year on the gulf coast in a massive expensive party celebrating their power.POWER corrupts and we must take back this demonic control of our children. it will take time but we must never give up the fight!

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Nailed it. I wish you weren't right but you are absolutely correct! We have to get our kids out of there - schools were never all that great but I am so glad that I don't have children so I don't have to deal with this. I suspect that once the children age out of school, the garbage will just creep back in because their parents have also left the school system. Thank you for a very good article!

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Thank you...

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