Sadly I agree

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Syncopation in music refers to the deliberate disruption of the regular flow of rhythm by placing accents on normally weak beats or off-beats. This technique creates a sense of surprise and excitement, making the music more engaging and dynamic.

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2 Corinthians 11:13-14 KJV

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. [14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

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Jim interesting read! I would like to know what your thoughts are in Christian Artist Zach Williams and say Ben Fuller. They seem to have a good message with their music ? Look forward to your response

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Jim I appreciate your take on Christian subjects.

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Brian, Thank you for your comment. I am not familiar with either of the two gentlemen you mentioned but will keep them on my radar screen.

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In case you haven't seen it, here is the statement from Bethel concerning tarot cards. You have some valid points, but this report was innacurate.

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Julie, thank you for your kind comment. Bethel has consistently denied this as well as many of the other non-biblical activities they engage in. You might want to broaden your research.

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I agree there are very real issues. In fact my 2nd substack and most recent post was "Why Would We Call It Worship?" There are reasons to have concerns about gold dust and more. I just wanted to be sure, you were aware of their official response. It's one issue in a concerning trend.

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You are spot on! We do not support the ‘I’ and ‘me’ songs, not do we support Jesus as your ‘friend’ songs, breaking chains songs that are used out of context, songs about ‘loving you’ that never mention who exactly their loving….. The list goes on and on. This crazy mess has spilled over into church youth group meeting rooms that now look just like a dark nightclub or remake of a speakeasy! Our youth are being led astray.

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As a musician, who has spent many years serving on various worship teams for the past 20 years, my experience has seen it all when it comes to worship environments. I’ve taken part in the high emotional evangelical type which was highlighted on the article to a more reverent hymn based style serving at a United Methodist church. I’ve served st Baptist conventions, non denim churches and even played for mallard Hispanic churches and ministries for the homeless. All had their own unique style when it came to the worship service and the music that was chosen. What I have learned along the way is that a great musician will have reaped the power of music and the emotional impact it can evoke. I want to be clear that I am only taking about the the music and not the lyrical content here. I do believe that the lyrics do need to have sound doctrine and scriptural meaning and not just a “feeling” a songwriter might have had. I think that’s more reserved to be explored with themselves and God alone. Now, I believe that worship is our frontlines of defense against an enemy that seeks to divide and conquer us. I believe that the Holy Spirit has authority and power to speak to us and He will use music as one of way of communicating with us. I believe that my job is to not be manipulative and make people feel emotional in order to be more vulnerable with God but rather present them with an opportunity to do so. As you can see, the first motive becomes about me and my musical ability. The second comes as a hand outstretched and invites them to engage with the God we serve. Let’s engage with him, whenever we are.

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The “concerts” instead of worship and pulling families apart and immediately putting kids in babysitting (“children’s church”) instead of in the pews with their parents are the two things that tell me a church isn’t for me.

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You can not serve both God and mammon.

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Agreed. Been going on for sometime..together with churches deciding to worship like crazy but hate their neighbours. Haven't found a church to belong for years.

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Jim. Very accurate assessment of contemporary Christian music scene. I was 34 in 1978 and was saved during the “Jesus Movement”. Minneapolis old State Theater was bought by a bunch of local recently saved regular folks. Rented buildings until they could make an offer on the State. Fabulous. ALOT of volunteer workers and friends added value to the building. Our praise/worship was absolutely out of this world….as it should be. ALL choruses from Scripture. Many times we’d stand worshiping for well over an hour to 90 min before the HS wanted a message. Oh my, Jim. NO amplified instruments. Acoustic only. The stage was huge and sound carried beautifully. Soon 2/3000 per service. Folks would drive 1-2 hrs to attend. Wed. Sunday am and pm. Began 2 Sun am services. EVERY service was different. No one wanted to miss a session of worship. Many danced before the Lord in the aisles. (It is easy to discern when that behaviour is self-focused or God focused). Many attended their traditional churches then came to Jesus People Church for the worship alone. Staggering. I grew up in the Lord in that standard. Miss it SOOOO much. Am in SE Tenn with 250 churches in my county. High Christian population. One would think true worship could be found. In vain you will searc. Radio same thing. Absolute poverty of spirit. All about me. My wife and I found a Chuck Girard album called “Voice of the Wind. ALL Scripture. Indexed so one song blends seamlessly into the next. His daughter sings soft background repeats. We sing along and stand before the Lord.

Also love blood songs! Obviously.

You probably know Chuck started as a rocker.

Thanks for your article.

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Wow. Walk on water and lot these days?

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Several years ago, I told someone, "it isn't right - the music". She asked me what it was that I sensed and if I could identify it? "No, I can't put my finger on it but I sense something in my spirit." She thought me judgmental. You know those times that the Holy Spirit gives us pause it isn't necessarily a judgment of ours but the Father who has seen the truth of its lies and whispers to us in warning. It is so true that He IS LOVE, and his intentions toward us are good. Those pauses have saved me time and time again, to many to count, driving me away from something that is not innocent. HAHA! I was around when Kennith Copeland arrived on the scene and there I was with that "pause". His false teaching wasn't so blatant back then, you know. People do not often think daily time spent in scripture has a noticeable impact. Trust the Lord. His word is always relevant even when you don't "feel" an emotional rush from it.

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Although sadly, this is happening in the mainstream CCM sector, Christian hip-hop is getting better and better. When I need solid theology and biblical music my Christian hip-hop playlists are the first place I go. For example, one of my current favorite songs is a man rapping Proverbs 3—solid stuff. Not all Christian hip-hop is top-notch, but I'd say it's the best Christian music out there right now.

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So a favorite song now birthed by Elevation , trust in God ; have you ever read Psalm 25??????? Trust in God is the theme of Psalm 25 or is your argument to pick and choose just you claim the churches do ? Or maybe we should look at Still , the Stand , or the Potters hand ; pretty sure all are scripture based ; or it is well , king of my heart - I guess it is well is only approved if it is hymnal version but certainly cannot revise or change in any way . Sure, there could be areas to poke at but some of today’s worship is flat out versions of scripture and much from Psalms. It just amazes me that we can point fingers and be judgmental when it is not our place to judge- leave that to God himself and I know for a fact that is scripture ! And I am not a member of any of the three of these churches and I don’t listen to Steven F on a regular basis . I just have a problem that we want to cast stones when we may need to be like Jesus said , let he who has no sin cast the first stone !

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People see the appearance , but God sees the hearts. Instrumental way of worship has been a means to help lead ppl into the Presence of God. We can’t simply tell the heart of Worship by simply seeing the light, fogs, and lasers. We need to see through it !

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Prefer to dispense with all the Kibuki theatre. It’s a fraud. Been there done that. It’s very competitive between churches. Who’s got the coolest band and sound. Wheeee!

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