That is very good, thank you. I might add to the bullet point list 'Have no sense of humour'.

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I think to start a tad simpler... what we need is a megaphone and a pulpit from which to teach three things: Grace, Humility, and Gratitude. This can be done without a veneer of religion (which will turn away too many before it even starts)... these are the three most-lacking qualities I find in America today (#4 would be Generosity, were I to keep making the list).

I don't think a "Come to Jesus" movement will capture many new minds at all, and instead would actually have the opposite effect of further separating America into two distinct groups, as we are today. For now the left doesn't have much of a "Theocracy!!" label to pin on us, and I question whether giving it to them will be worth the souls it'll cost.

Rather, teach the Three Points, watch them spread, and THEN you'll find a much more malleable public more willing to hear about being saved.

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Thanks Jim. Excellent overview of the rot dismantling moral society with their amoral evil indoctrination.

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I appreciate this POV--WOKE programming is clearly a mind control exercise. The gas-lighting inversion of reality-based-critical thought seems like a disassociative bipolar condition. WOKE is a form of mental illness in my lexicon. Thx for the article!

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So good, I can think of nothing to add.

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That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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wm = who mutants / wm = wef mutants

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Blistering and 100% accurate. Great essay and very needed presently. These types are very successful here on SubStack.

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One may consider that the language here is slightly in error. In particular, the word "Threatening". The "mind virus" is well beyond any threat level. That being said, I do get your point 100%

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Will adopt the term and WMV acronym. Analogy with spread of Covid is true in so many respects.

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Excellent post Jim. What is terrifying is how quick this came over us. I delved into where the tranny/grooming agenda came from so quickly and found big pharma funded it. Aside from the obvious demonic inspiration, someone, somewhere is probably making money off all this too!

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Excellent post. Both entertaining while equally educational. Thank you!

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I appreciate where you state the hope is not found. I fear too many believe if we can just win the next election it will all be resolved. I wish that were the case but fear it isn't. I'm convinced we are under judgement but there is hope if we place it correctly. Thanks for the post.

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Thank you so much Charles!!!

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God bless Texas! As always, Jim, you've hit a nail right on the head. I'm Tweeting this and trying to spread your wise words.

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