i find it painfully difficult to accept that the good God sends a powerful delusion ... why ? well to my way of thinking ... a delusion is a type of lie... i cant accept that the good God would use lies ...please no offence intended ... dear God of goodness and truth please in lighten my darkness...

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The globalist plan has been in the works since Hitler fled to South America and Nazis came to the US with Operation Paperclip. The infiltration was nearly complete and the deception working until a handful of military, intelligence operatives, and patriots decided to interrupt and stop the process with President Trump as the public face of saving our country and the West for that matter with freedoms loving people around d the world getting involved over the last decade. When all the scoundrels aligned behind the Clinton Crime Syndicate (Hillary is the whore of Babylon), they never thought she could lose due to the rigging of elections. Now, these scoundrels are desperately attempting to carry out their agenda by all means available in an utter state of chaos. Ite incumbent upon us to use the full weight of all conscious and sane Beings to end this nonsense before all hell breaks loose.

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Remembering C.S.Lewis's "Screwtape Letters", where a demon is giving his nephew advice on how to corrupt a man:

"Screwtape advises Wormwood to prevent the patient from thinking whenever possible, since reason will only encourage the patient to accept Christianity with greater fervency."

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"Infants are not born the wrong sex." It seems obvious and it is. But Leftists want to pervert everything.

I just saw a post by Allie Beth Stuckey "A society that treats adults like kids, kids like adults, and pets like humans cannot survive."

But there may still be hope. The war between evil and good has been going on for a long time. Maybe good can never finally win in this world, but do we have to let evil prevail now?

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

Yes, we are in the end times. However, true believers of Christ have no need to be alarmed, but we do need to be alert to the signs of the times we are in. Things are going to happen just as God has stated in His Word. People are not doing anything new; it is that they are bolder. And as it has always been, starting with Eve in the Garden of Eden, there will always be those who will not believe the truth. Why? They do not want to hear the truth, they have been deceived, and there are those who have been given over to a reprobated mind. Those who have an ear to hear will hear what the Spirit has to say. He will reveal all truth--God's truth. And the Spirit will reveal the lies that are hidden in the midst of what seems to be on point, yet it conceals what is really going on. Nevertheless, keep blowing the trumpet; people need to be alerted.

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Synchronicity rocks my world. For a deep dive into the metaphysical quantum world that we are currently drowning in, I recommend C. G. Jung's THE RED BOOK.

We are where we are, being sucked into the vortex of death and (I agree) the End Times. There is no stopping it.

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Thanks so much, Jim!

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Great post, I went back and read hers and subscribed. She is spot on. Telling the truth anymore seems like overstating the obvious.

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