The Logger’s Timbre

The Sawdust in my eye

Makes it hard to see;

It hurts. It blurs my sight

While standing by the tree.

The logger takes his time.

He prepares so carefully.

And brings me to the stream

To wash the mote from me.

Each step I took was blind,

Leaves come like waves crashing from the sea,

Yet I heard the timbre in his voice

And followed, gratefully.

Many judge a logger:

Does he really love the tree?

Regret the shame that soon forgets

How the beam won’t let you see.


A poem derived from the spirit, by Morpho

To Mr McCraigh,

There’s room on the planet— and even in the universe- for various interpretations of Love. One important aspect about those minds that have awoken is that they are following the rule of love— which is the cosmic rule of law.

Christ urges to “Love thy neighbor”

It is important to remember that wisdom when you meditate on all that you think you have the right to judge. If you claim to be a christian, your true goal is to love freely. I’m not determining that tone out of your critical articles.

“Judge not, before you judge yourself…”

Bob Marley

I’m writing for lifting solidarity in Love… one word at a time. Love is no crime. Open your heart, heal your mind. Do as your good and wise leader wants you to do: coexist in harmony to make peace on earth a real thing.

I’m a woke warrior. You don’t need to follow me, just remember that I sent you an olive branch when the time of judgement arrives and you feel confused about everything you thought you knew. Jesus Christ was and is not anti-woke. He’s the original Woke Warrior.

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Well said!

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Thanks Jim!💕🙏

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Thanks Jim, this is a very clear presentation of the truth of what "Woke" is, it is asleep to truth, callouses to love, hateful of the law of God and ignorant of basic knowledge of life.

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*****The Church Is In The 'Great Falling Away'*****

Let No One Deceive You In Any Way - For It Will Not Come UNLESS - The Great

Falling Away Comes First - THEN The Man of Lawlessness Is Revealed - The Son

of Destruction. 2 Thessalonians 2:3

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Thank you for writing on this topic! More need to be aware of this mind filth and its infiltration into society!

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Another excellent article- I am now a supporter. Those who are articulate and have the talent to write and speak the truth should be recognized and supported.

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Thank you, Catherine!

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This is absolutely spot on!! I have family members who are sadly sold out to this wokeness and won’t be convinced that they are deceived in their thinking. They are against God and anything or anyone that has to do with biblical Christianity. It’s scary to think about their eternity, but it’s on them when they continually refuse truth.

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