This is very sad. I do believe we are in the last days and the Rapture can happen any time. I also believe we are in the time of the falling away and we are going to see more and more false teachers. Lord help us.
So glad you shared. It is unreal how people don’t know scriptures. This class if people are lazy and never read the Bible. Heaven forbid if they should study Bible history. Over and over the scriptures tell us be not deceived.
The Words of the Apostle Paul Recorded in Gods Word.
“A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression (1 Timothy 2:11-14).”
Jim, while agree with what you’re saying, I have to take issue with your painting Anglicans with a broad brush. My wife and I attended St James Anglican Church here in Little Rock. They were formed by a small group of disaffected Episcopalians over women priests and gay weddings. Even the Bishop over the Episcopal churches here left and joined that congregation. They are scriptural as conservative as any church I’ve attended. And, I’m an ordained Southern Baptist music minister. We’d still attend but we just couldn’t find a group of friends. I guess there’s a spiritual weakness there. But, on the whole, the worship services were wonderful.
You didn't have a single citation in your long list of accusations. The way people today exaggerate, misinterpret and twist what other people say, I can't trust anything without citations. The Bible says not to accuse a brother or sister without witness, so that includes citations.
But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. [11] Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. [12] But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. [13] For Adam was first formed, then Eve. [14] And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. [15] Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
So very sad. I read her book about her Crazy Knotted Up life (I can’t remember the exact title, but I laughed at the beginning - my age, my state, my childhood comparisons, my denomination. It really draws you in with the memories.
But then…She started exposing her father for sexual sins with her, his hypocrisy in the church, etcetera. Details. My heart started hurting with all that happened to her. I believe that bitterness came to light again in her memoir. Before the book ended I had to put it down (and delete it because I was so disturbed by it. She totally slammed Baptists because of the hypocrisy of her family with rape, racism, and “not loving” people who are different (homosexuals.). She was doing rituals that made her feel “peaceful” in her new church. To read all this reminds me of her going off, and it’s true, it also shakes me that we can be taken in by such a “because I identify with you” type of feeling/mentality. I believe we need to put the Word before any man (or woman) and all fingers are pointing at myself.
I studied her early studies and went to see her years ago. She was a wonderful teacher and biblically on point. Then slowly but surely you could see the change in her teachings and it just felt wrong. I thought it was me, but I could not stay in the studies. Now I know why. God gave me discernment even if I did not understand it myself.
Julie Behling is the author of the book "Beneath Sheep's Clothing - The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today's America". The content of the book has been made into a documentary film, which you can view for free on Vimeo ( ).
Behling's research focuses primarily on communist agenda and tactics to subvert Christianity. I see Marxism as the inversion of Christianity.
Oh I know about her, know about tranny son of billy graham Ann graham lots, all the grahams are pedos who serve Eloheim.
Then there’s John McArthur and RC Sproul!
BSF, Bible study international, which was started by Mrs Johnson taken over by a satanist. I saw the change! And then I left.
Religion has to go!
What does this mean?
This is very sad. I do believe we are in the last days and the Rapture can happen any time. I also believe we are in the time of the falling away and we are going to see more and more false teachers. Lord help us.
So glad you shared. It is unreal how people don’t know scriptures. This class if people are lazy and never read the Bible. Heaven forbid if they should study Bible history. Over and over the scriptures tell us be not deceived.
Never heard of her before now.
Anyone with a discerning spirit knows she is a heretic. She is a wolf. She is a tare. She is Jezebel. I put her on full ignore over ten years ago.
The Words of the Apostle Paul Recorded in Gods Word.
“A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression (1 Timothy 2:11-14).”
Jim, while agree with what you’re saying, I have to take issue with your painting Anglicans with a broad brush. My wife and I attended St James Anglican Church here in Little Rock. They were formed by a small group of disaffected Episcopalians over women priests and gay weddings. Even the Bishop over the Episcopal churches here left and joined that congregation. They are scriptural as conservative as any church I’ve attended. And, I’m an ordained Southern Baptist music minister. We’d still attend but we just couldn’t find a group of friends. I guess there’s a spiritual weakness there. But, on the whole, the worship services were wonderful.
Point taken...
Have you read " Fraudulent Authority by Wade Burleson? Great read@JimMcCraigh
I rebuke her in the name of Jesus Christ. I do this as one called as a prophet of Jesus Christ
Why should I be afraid of this Godly woman?
I would respectfully suggest you watch the video at the end of the post.
You didn't have a single citation in your long list of accusations. The way people today exaggerate, misinterpret and twist what other people say, I can't trust anything without citations. The Bible says not to accuse a brother or sister without witness, so that includes citations.
1 Timothy 2:10-15 KJV
But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. [11] Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. [12] But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. [13] For Adam was first formed, then Eve. [14] And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. [15] Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
So very sad. I read her book about her Crazy Knotted Up life (I can’t remember the exact title, but I laughed at the beginning - my age, my state, my childhood comparisons, my denomination. It really draws you in with the memories.
But then…She started exposing her father for sexual sins with her, his hypocrisy in the church, etcetera. Details. My heart started hurting with all that happened to her. I believe that bitterness came to light again in her memoir. Before the book ended I had to put it down (and delete it because I was so disturbed by it. She totally slammed Baptists because of the hypocrisy of her family with rape, racism, and “not loving” people who are different (homosexuals.). She was doing rituals that made her feel “peaceful” in her new church. To read all this reminds me of her going off, and it’s true, it also shakes me that we can be taken in by such a “because I identify with you” type of feeling/mentality. I believe we need to put the Word before any man (or woman) and all fingers are pointing at myself.
I studied her early studies and went to see her years ago. She was a wonderful teacher and biblically on point. Then slowly but surely you could see the change in her teachings and it just felt wrong. I thought it was me, but I could not stay in the studies. Now I know why. God gave me discernment even if I did not understand it myself.
"Beneath Sheep's Clothing"
Julie Behling is the author of the book "Beneath Sheep's Clothing - The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today's America". The content of the book has been made into a documentary film, which you can view for free on Vimeo ( ).
Behling's research focuses primarily on communist agenda and tactics to subvert Christianity. I see Marxism as the inversion of Christianity.
Although the movie is released, she is still raising funds for it here: