The more I see of this, the more I think that insanity is contagious. It is essential that parents protect their children from contaminated institutions. There was a time when dad was a breadwinner and mom nurtured their children. Perhaps it's time to forgo the lure of instant gratification, give up the second income and restore the family. Home schooling may be the answer.

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Well said Robert... I 100% agree! Public school is child abuse...

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I have been thinking this exact same stuff but no one has said it yet! Thank you for boldly bringing out the truth!

My neighbor has gone from thinking she was an animal in her past life, to furry, to homosexual. These exact thoughts have haunted my mind constantly. Yet, I don’t expect it to get any better. I’m just going to guard my faith and be ready for the worst of it.

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Homosexual marriage, referred by the Supreme Court as same-sex marriage, was established on the ‘Born this Way’ immutable status of being born gay. Enough people loved their gay friends and neighbors to convince the Supreme Court that ‘love’ of men and women, who were born permanently gay was worth the stretch. But when the Gs and Ls joined the coalition of BTQ, they forgot that the admission price was the acceptance price of going from 8% to 14% was voiding everything that they fought for and won by embracing fluidity.

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The joke's on them...

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Some of the schools in NC have installed litter boxes for the furries to use in the bathrooms. It’s hard to believe the levels of insanity we are experiencing…like you said, it’s on steroids!

Finished Deceived No More last night. Great book!!!

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I wonder if a vet would treat them or a hospital if they got a fur ball?

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Thank you!!!

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The sly, creeping "progressive", progression:

transvestite > transsexual > transgender--all are homosexual

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Good point...

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So we make extinct the real animals and make people into unreal animals and perverts etc. Seems like the usual upside down and back to front distortions of the past 5 years.

Nothing like this in Australia, at the moment, but maybe I wouldn't know as I don't watch TV and don't have any young children who would be influenced by it.

What we do have is people who treat their pets like humans "fur babies", they even put adds in papers saying "my baby is missing" meaning my dog has run away from home. (smart dog I say)

I think this sort of madness is similar to the furries as they think that something animal is equivalent to something human, or most probably better.

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I understand that NZ, though, has gone totally woke.

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Nowhere is totally "crazy asleep" as "woke" actually means.

There are plenty of thinking awake people in all countries, it is just the governments and banks and some multinational corporations that are in for the totalitarian, fear mongering, perversions and manipulation that they are trying to foister onto others.

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Who needs another Hitler? The alphabet mafia is all about "educating" and and giving "information" to the world's vulnerable and impressionable children, whom they can easily cause to become "woke."

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Thanks for chiming in!

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I pray it doesn't spread there if it already hasn't!

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"The scripture can not be broken," Jim.

“Babylon the great fell, it fell— she who has given-a-drink-to ALL THE NATIONS from the wine of the passion of her sexual-immorality” All. What was this Babylon the great? One doesn't have to be rocket scientist to figure it out.

I pray people rivet their eyes on that text, without ceasing. Because next to no Christians that I have encountered are even aware of it. :-/ They appear awake but in fact are asleep. Foolish virgins.

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Please read Romans, Chapter 1:18-32.

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Yes... that says it all!

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Leftism is a religion and an aspect of it is nature worship. Animals are good, humans are bad.

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Very true. At the same time they hate God...

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And, "all those that hate Me," saith the LORD, "love death." If only it were legal to let them have it now.

But, we know the wine press of His wrath must be full, and it sure does look like it IS.

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Excellent and important post Jim. You continued the perversion and insanity mentioned in my last post to include where it is progressing to. Definitely a restack.

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Thank you for your kind words.

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1 Peter 5:8-11 NIV

8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.

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Thanks for sharing that...

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I hear in some states sex ed is being taught to kids at age 5 and the UN is behind all of this. Seems like anything goes these days and the more vile and vulgar the better. Child groper and sniffer Biden is taking his order for the UN/WHO/WEF which are 3 evil organizations in one. Kids are being taught they can be anything they want to be. The idea is children are easier manipulated when their brains are developing. Garbage in, garbage out. If they can normalize perverse ideology many children can be convinced to be castrated or become part of the LGBTQ+ community and it serves as a population growth control as most will not reproduce. These are my opinions of course but there are too many people in the world and with the climate hoax they push this stuff.

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There is a school board member in Wilton Manors, Florida that annually takes a 2nd grade class on field trips to Rosie's Bar & Grill, a gay bar. Sarah Leonardi. She boasts about this, with pictures of the kids--inside the bar--on her Twitter page. "Don't say gay? I'll show them GAY!"

Iniquity: the condition of without law. Anything goes

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Better a millstone...

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But, Jim, so many today are saying we need to have grace, compassion, and understanding toward the homosexuals. You agree with that? If so, what would grace, compassion, and understanding look like at Lot's house in Sodom that evening? While they took a battering ram to Lot's door. :-/

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Wilton Manors, Florida is in a dark blue county. Obama's 3rd term in office biden pushing the gay agenda on little kids. You think he and obama will fair well in the White Throne Judgment?


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Jun 18Liked by Jim McCraigh

Obama revealed he was Muslim, and Biden goes against everything the Catholic Church teaches, but then Pope Francis is most liberal Pope ever so I would say they will not fair well at all.

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Obama also revealed he was homosexual. He said he decided to pretend to be heterosexual because it "would be more challenging." Ever wonder why his former White House, Martha's Vineyard chef suddenly & mysteriously drowned in his backyard? And there were no reports about that afterward?

Frankly, the New Earth will be a far, far better and glorious place without them. I hope I get to see them devoured by flames outside the New Jerusalem. I will, with the angels shout Hallelujah! Because of what they did

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Pray that Obama confesses and repents...

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Depopulation for sure...

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While The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which is said to be a conspiracy theory it sure seems to be playing out before our eyes. While the US provides aid to Israel it seems like they have control over our country and this goes back to when Netanyahu met with Clinton and abruptly ended the meeting and Bill said who does this guy think he is. One former Congresswoman said she was required to sign oath of allegiance to Israel to get backing from AIPAC. Zionists is trending on "X" all the time but then many of former KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov predictions made in the 1980's also seem to be playing out so I wonder who is behind all of this and what do we do to thwart or stop this.

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There is one who is behind it:

And the great dragon was cast out, the old serpent called Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. (Rev 12:9)

But God allows him to be able to deceive the whole world, to refine his saints through overcoming him.

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Weak parents and deviant Teachers (Teacher Colleges and Unions) are behind this as sure as the College Professors were and are behind the Intersectional ideology that drove the hatred of Israel and Jewish students in favor of 8th century barbarians on multiple campuses. Evil has a very easy task these days.

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Weak parents is absolutely correct!

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You are welcome!

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Yes. "Schools have an obligation to provide for the safety of students." But not under Obama's 3rd term in office, biden.

LOOK what the U.S. Dept of Ed forced these Pittsburgh, PA suburb schools to do, in making them hire this homosexual. He sodomized all fourteen 10 - 12 year old boys who now will not even look at a baseball, much less pick one up. And are you naive enough to think this was an isolated incident? Mainstream media did NOT cover this. Why? It didn't fit their DEI narrative. It only reached local Pittsburgh media because of all those parent's outcries. And, how is this man punished? Sentenced to 11 years, and maybe out on probation in 4. For sodomizing 14 tender, young, innocent boys. ...


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Again, parents are failing to vote out the school boards or take their kids out of such perverted schools.

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"They expel students for saying “patriot” or “men can’t become pregnant” but protect furries."

What kind of calculated and deliberate evil is this? This is not just having a differing opinion on some issue.

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I still don't understand parents who don't fight this.

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One American said to another American, "The two biggest problems with our country today are ignorance and apathy."

"Maybe," said the other, "I don't know and I don't care."

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"And while the Bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept"

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Jun 15·edited Jun 16

I do not really watch the MSM or television at all anymore, except to study the evil being promoted there. I knew something was strange going on with this “ humans as animals/animals as humans" thing over a decade ago. I just noticed so many commercials and shows with "talking animals” or people dressed in animal costumes. Yes, talking animals and people dressed as animals appeared in commercials and tv shows in MSM in the past, but as outliers. When I started noticing this, it just seemed like there were a sudden preponderance of such appearances on television, sometime after the 1990s. Also, there were many tv shows that started showing adults dressed as animals going to parties, or famous people were shown going to awards shows dressed as animals. (I believe this is even more of a thing now.). I did not understand the obsession with this at the time, but I knew something was "weird” about this new trend. Now, I do see this "trend" in Biblical terms. It is the mixing of human and animal (like in the days of the Nephilim), or the inversion of God's creation, humans turning themselves into half animal half human things. The tie-in with sexual fetishes makes me come to this conclusion even more. God help us. I am praying every day for wisdom and discernment. America is in dire times.

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Well said!!!

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Dire times? We're WAY beyond dire times. Babylon America has fallen. The Glory has departed. Hardly anyone here looks at Rev 14:8, but I do. "What I say unto you, I say unto all. Watch." ~ Christ Jesus

We've been warned. It has been foretold.

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Let us eagerly await His return.

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I agree with you. America has fallen. The prophecies line up with American being Babylon. I am watching and praying.

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This kind of evil used to be mostly obscure, heard about only through rumor or speculation, but is now "come out" (revealed) into the full light of day. What do the scriptures say about this?

"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He who now letteth [it], will let, until He be taken out of the way. And then shall that *Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming" 2 Thess ch 2

How often and in how many ways in this nation, has God been "taken out of the way?" Huh? Tell me.

* ἄνομος an'-om-os Found10 times in the NT.

destitute of (the Mosaic) law, departing from the law, a violator of the law, lawless, wicked

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And then He will eventually take out America...

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