I agree to disagree. If you choose to follow Hebrew Roots movement you're free to do so. The Apostles didn't try to impose Hebrew dietary restrictions on Gentile believers as evident in Acts 15:19-20, 23-26, 28-29, Galatians 2:15-16, Colossians 2: 16-17. I choose to follow the guidelines of the Apostles.

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Interest in Orthodoxy is increasing

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Sep 3Liked by Jim McCraigh

When I read the comment about yoga I read “Christians are not allowed to stretch as part of an exercise routine.” Is that the message, or are Christians not supposed to exercise at all? If not where is the line? Do we need to catalog every yoga pose and if a stretch imitates it just forego stretching that body part?

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That is a good question... you will find my answer as part of a post I wrote on the topic...


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I've already read that post, and it doesn't answer the above questions. I fully grasp the problems inherent in embracing yoga as yoga. I'm asking if it is your position that stretching is evil or pagan, in all seriousness. Near as I can tell there doesn't seem to be any posture that yoga hasn't covered -- sleeping on your back is effectively corpse pose, for example -- so does physically putting oneself in any one of those postures endanger one's soul, or is there a way of stretching that does not invite God's wrath?

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So you mentioned that many stray and essentially become “progressive” Christians. While I find that to be true, another dangerous route I’ve seen first hand is yet another form of a false Gospel. And that is the gospel of pride and arrogance. They preach, or say the right words on Sunday, but they live nothing out, in terms of being disciples of Christ. Much like the Pharisees, “do what they say and not what they do”. And when it’s brought up, in a loving way, they tell you how wrong you are and that they would never be like that. They gaslight you and turn your friends away from you telling them that you are the one who is misguided. They start lying to protect themselves.

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Sep 2Liked by Jim McCraigh

Not surprised.

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Self inflicted by HYPOCRISY.

Anyone that can read, and comprehend knows the message from the Christian Church does NOT match the book.

The same chapter that declares homosexuality an ABOMINATION

Also declares the churches preferred menu (unclean animals) an ABOMINATION.

Leviticus 20

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This excellent article talks about how the dietary restrictions in Leviticus were for the purpose of setting the Israelites apart. They weren't meant for Gentile Christians.

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Anyone that follows YHVH and His Son Is called to be Holy,


The definition of sin is 1 John 3:4.

FOOD is defined by The Creator.

Jeremiah 31:31 reads THE TORAH will be written on one’s heart. It also states the New Covenant is with ISRAEL and JUDAH.

One is either IN COVENANT or NOT.

There is no Covenant cut with “Gentile Christians”.

Please spare me the dispensation nonsense of “Got Questions”.

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Aug 30Liked by Jim McCraigh

The hardest part of Christianity - everyone wants a Savior but very few will accept a Lord.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Author

Amen to that!

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Aug 27Liked by Jim McCraigh

The stats are mind blowing. We are a fallen world. 🙏🏽

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Maybe the people who are not answering polls are out being the hands and feet of Jesus. 🙌

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Aug 26Liked by Jim McCraigh

Sadly this is reality. I remember debating a unbeliever and they told me along the lines "Oh, you actually do believe in the resurrection?" like, of course I do, haha.

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Doesn't it seem like non-believers are harder to get through to these days?

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Wow, humbling especially as a mother raising young children. Our less than 2 year old has already picked up on our example of loving and serving the Lord. She asks to pray and sing to God everyday, I’m humbled to see that desire for faith in her heart. 💗

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I saw that Ligonier Ministries survey back when it was published. There is a lot of very discouraging information about the state of Christian world view in America today. Thank you for this.

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I passed with flying colors. That's not a pat on the back, of course... but evidence that I take my faith seriously, do my homework, and double-check what I believe against the Scriptures.

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Aug 25Liked by Jim McCraigh

It's IMPERATIVE that for someone to be a Christian they MUST believe in the PHYSICAL RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ! Any survey that does not include that specific biblical revelation is incomplete.

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You are correct. The survey l cited didn't include that. Whoever put it together perhaps did not understand the Gospel.

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Amen. I've been saying this for years. Thanks for saying again!

As a marketing copywriter I've been trying for years to show churches how powerful their church sign could be in reaching the lost. Even in small towns there are literally thousands of lost people driving by each day on their way to eternity without Jesus. But all the churches can say to those lost souls are things like "choir practice Wednesday." My success so far? Zero. "It's not on our agenda right now" or other nonsense is what I hear. "Come Jesus come...we need you right now!"

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A sad commentary indeed...

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Our church holds to all those fundamental doctrines.

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