Great essay Jim! In addition, all the time spent playing violent video games. Like putting a future pilot in a flight simulator. When you "shoot" 500 or 1000 people, it is not so hard anymore. I also think they have a hard time differentiating between reality and fantasy. We played army, etc., and knew we were only playing. Lastly, most of these shooters are on some type of psychotherapeutic drug, which exasperates the problem.

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How to insure our intentions, and the actions dependent on these intentions, are predicated on the lowest common denominator. All our tools - intelligence, talent, curiosity, free speech, digital technology, guns, education, gender (short list) - are subsumed under the aegis and intent of reaching the level of the lowest common denominator ASAP. We are on the slippery slope toward mediocrity on greased skids.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jim McCraigh

Again, what we see is what is going to heighten in the world. No matter how bad it gets, God will always have a remnant that will stand and not bow to Baal. Kids shows are teaching kids to be corrupt. But who fault is that? Not Hollywood: it is the parent who has stewardship over the child. I have to go back and forth with my adult children and grandchildren about what they allow their children to watch. The enemy is so subtle that those who can discerned the evil have to be always on red alert. This is a spiritual war not a carnal battle. Religion don't will battles they create them. Walking in righteousness hand in hand with Jesus and suited up in His armor and being skillful in handling every piece in battle makes one more than a conqueror through Christ

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