Thank you for the information Jim. Using our money to destroy us!

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The big NGOs always move left, but this information is shocking.

"It seems illegal immigration is very profitable for the Red Cross. The Red Cross is the beneficiary of millions of dollars in U.S. Government contracts. The organization sits on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Food and Shelter Program board... Board members include top executives from Walmart, Apple, Sam’s Club, and Nationwide Insurance."

Yes, we must be careful whom we contribute to. There are great charities out there, like Voice of the Martyrs and Independent Church in India, that amazing work. They need our support.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

This is sad, but here we are. When everyone has their hand in the pot of greed and evil you really do not know what will pop off.

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The Red Cross and the Catholic Church are accessories to crimes against our country. This is only two on a long list which includes the Chamber of Commerce and many other NGO's and well as elected officials.

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I will never donate to the Red Cross, ever.

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Thank you for the link!!!

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You are more than welcome. We must all spread the truth before it is impossible.

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The Red Cross is famous for having terrible ratings as a charity and for having rich officers that are paid very well for managing this "non profit". They are also famous for always following the Salvation Army into crises. This latest news makes me happy I decided to support the Ironwood Pig Sanctuary instead of those greedy a-holes and anti-American Marxists who fund the Red Cross.

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Excellent article! My grandmother (a woman I deeply admired and loved) was very involved in volunteering for the American Red Cross. My grandfather always had snarky comments about what the ARC really was and I can’t type it here what he used as a comparison. Just suffice it to say, 40 years ago, my grandfather called it out appropriately. He may have been joking around but this story brings about the eerie truth.

I have a similar feeling about Samaritan’s Purse. This one hits closer to home because of where it is headquartered. I lost so much respect for its mission when Graham came out and told people Jesus would take these poison ☠️ death shots created by the most corrupted industry in the world and shielded from liability from those we elect to represent us 😡

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Thank you Jessica,

Based on your comment, I'm going to take a closer look at the Samaritan's Purse in the coming days.

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Wow JIM this is amazing. Thanks so much. Going to share.

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Thank You...

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