Jul 30Liked by Jim McCraigh

Thanks for the post Jim

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For the record as to the final catalyst for this, IMO. It was Sotomayor’s dissent in the immunity case which claimed that a president could use Seal Team six to assassinate a political rival. Those words were not only nonsense, they were irresponsible, and if you ask me, *suggestive and intentional*, wrapped in a guise of theoretical implication of the ruling. The media (legacy and social) then ran with this with the most heinous headlines and posts, all geared to the same end—to openly talk about the assassination of Trump as a means of planting seeds / thoughts / ideas abroad. They knew what they were doing.

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I believe Sotomayor may be fearful for her life. She's diabetic and, I read a few months ago, some in the Demonrats party have been trying to get her to step down/retire so president potatohead can have the chance to appoint someone else (who's probably more nefarious). She's trying to prove that she deserves to stay.

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Would not surprise me in the least.

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Sotomayor is not a judge but a political operative...

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Jul 22Liked by Jim McCraigh

Excellent article. Remember the shooter was 12 years old when first assaulted by vitriolic barrage of lies, hoaxes, and hate. Nonstop. From the highest levels of government to the mocking bird media. How do mentally vulnerable young people withstand such heinous assaults? And weak minded adults. Shame.

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They will one day reap what they sow...

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Very true and a reminder that we must never cease praying for the lost.

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Jim, I have just published this commentary which overlaps with some of your observations. I'd welcome any criticism and feedback to this article before I publish a follow-up which is going to be quite a cracker.

When sheeple are devoured by red and blue dragons. Observations from the Donald Trump ‘assassination attempt’ and its implications for Christians


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I'd say your post is right on! March on!

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Well said.

I do want to address something though, since you mentioned it, as have many others.

People keep mentioning that this guy was a registered Republican. I wonder if they checked (if it’s even possible) if that’s always how he registered. In some states, you can only vote in the primary for the party you’re registered with. Some states, like mine, allow you to declare the party that day, at the polls. Then you’re registered in that party until you change it again.

I know people who use this to vote in the opposing party’s primary in order to help the person who they think has the best chance of losing to their own party’s candidate.

I’m usually registered independent, but for the primary I have to declare. Once, I registered as a Democrat (yikes!) after my niece taught me this tactic, so I could help the “easier to beat” candidate win the Democratic nomination. Of course, you can only do it when you know your candidate will win in your own party’s primary without your vote, or when he’s unopposed.

I only did it that one time, forever ago because I don’t like changing my party affiliation.

Just thinking this may be why he was registered as a Republican. You never know.

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He gave money to the democrats; this seems far more telling than some last-minute R on his voting record.

Lots of us go I, or D, or R, in order to vote in a primary or achieve some end. This guy was a twisted tool of the State.

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Very good point!

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The haters who fomented this great evil have a lot to answer for. As for "forgiving them," allow me to explain the vast difference between the Judaic concept of forgiveness and the Christian one. In Judaism, it is literally not possible for me to forgive something someone has done to someone else. I can only forgive things done to me. It is not my right to give solace in the form of forgiveness to evildoers who have done evil unto others.

So even if I were inclined to "forgive" any of these evil Leftist assholes, God will not allow me to. To be clear, I want all of them to suffer misery, pain and loss on a scale seven times seven times what they have inflicted on the Comperatore family.

As Denzel Washington's character Creasy in "Man on Fire" put it so well, "Forgiveness is between them and God. I'm just here to arrange the meeting."

I wish every single one of them nothing but horrors and misery.

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G U I L T Y.

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Great essay. Thank you!

Side note: The shooter was registered “Republican” so he could vote against Trump (and presumably any other republicans) in the primaries, not because he had any actual conservative/republican impulses. His one pathetic donation was to democrats. In his own words on social media he “hated” republicans.

We need to be clear on this.

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Saving grace is they aren’t well trained and their all pussies who need validation from their unsocial media

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Well said, , Jim. Linking tomorrow @ https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you again!

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Jim MCCRAIGH, a very poignant and apropos response regarding the state of our nation. Among my liberal-leaning left-of-center friends, I have been thinking throughout the day: what if it had been Joe Biden who had been targeted? I might presume that 'MAGA people' at large would stand accused of such an unlikely event. On the heels of your pointed observations, we are aware that this sort of event (assassinating Trump) may become extraordinarily divisive-and especially at a time when the predicted "civil war" scenario is being programmed into collective consciousness. Thus, as usual, it's difficult not to see probable conspiracy angles at play.

As for the ignorant people who suffer from DTS, they too are victims of the Media's relentless anti-Trump message we have endured for the last 8 years. For me, I tend to target the MSM as a primary enemy of We the People, and an antagonistic divisive tool of the DeepState. We have a lot of deprogramming to accomplish in the US as we strive to resurrect the Republic that was stolen from Us. Blessings! (... thank you for your wise words and insightful considerations!)

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You are on to something with "As for the ignorant people who suffer from DTS, they too are victims of the Media's relentless anti-Trump message we have endured for the last 8 years. "

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Im afraid that most of these nefarious haters are too far gone and incapable of repentence. They are the ones that Romans 1:18-32 are written to.

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, MURDER, strife, DECEIT, MALICE; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same but give hearty approval to those who practice them. Rom. 1: 28-32

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“With God, nothing is impossible.” Lk 1:37

Though I sympathize with the sentiment. Christians in the Middle East sometimes use this argument to retreat from influencing their neighbors. But Jesus is still moving there.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Jim McCraigh

Interesting how this came to be not very long after Biden's miserable, failed performance in the debate. HomObama had his personal chef killed, with who knows how many and what kind of nefarious secrets. I would not put it past him, that he was involved in this. And the shooter was not just wounded, but killed, with whatever information he may have had. Remember the unexplained demise of Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby?

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