Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by Jim McCraigh

This is so ridiculous, it's pure insanity! White people getting called "racist" or "nazis" just because we have White skin! I don't even want to get started on this topic! This is pure ignorance and stupidity and I don't even want to give my attention and energy to this topic because it doesn't make sense, l mean Taylor Swift is a white woman, she was the last time I saw a picture of her anyway! My how far some members of the human race have fallen🤦‍♀️😆 I'm mean these idiots don't realize these actions are further dividing Americans more and more, pitting people of color against white people! This is not going to help the democratic party in any way, it's gonna completely destroy America and maybe that's their goal I don't know? Their actions are so low and stupid that it's beyond my comprehension and completely beneath me to try to figure out! These people are obviously ignorant to history because if they actually understand what happened in history then they would understand how the Roman empire got so powerful! Julius Ceasar employed the "Divide and Conquer" strategy on nations, and by dividing and pitting the people against each other then Ceasar had an easy defeat and an easy take over of a country or nation! In all actuality that Roman empire still exists and this time the Roman empire, now called the globalists, wants to Conquer America and whether or not they realize it or not, these idiots squealing "racist" "nazi" are helping the globalists distory America! They cannot see it! But they will when they are living in the lovely 15 minute cities and living in termite colonies eating bugs and being surveilled and watched 24/7 -with computer chips installed in their brains, they'll understand everything then, but it'll be too late for them then! These idiots will then realize and think "duh, whad I do wrong?"🤓🤡 I actually feel so for these people because they are a bunch of fools with enough rope and they actually hanging themselves! I'm focusing my energy and attention on getting off grid and out of this idiotic society!

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Good job Jim. Just a point of clarification though. We repent TO YAH, not from sin. We confess sins. Repentance is the turning TO God and following Jesus in everlasting submission to His will. Repentance is a permanent state of the heart. We will all sin even in a repentant state, see Romans 7. Bless you my brother.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by Jim McCraigh

Another great essay Jim. This horse not only got beat to death. Now its only powder. Any white person who buys into this has severe mental problems. I know people who voted for Obama because they felt they would be racist for not voting for the first black, (actually half white) President.

When someone starts talking about the white guilt surrounding slavery, ask them about the guilt of the black tribal chiefs who had captured slaves sitting on docks for the white slavers to just pick up. Or that almost 4,000 free blacks were slave owners in America. Or that the FIRST slave owner in America was a black man, Anthony Johnson. "Court records in 1641 also indicate that Anthony was master to a black servant, John Casor. Casor would become the first person to be ‘arbitrarily declared‘ a slave for life in the U.S. in a 1655 court case."

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If anyone tries to tell you about white guilt - run away as fast as you can!

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Good points, Jim. It's funny how white people are racist when after all, we just got done with a whole month devoted to just one race. What month is devoted to white people only?????????????? Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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The Democrat Party is using Taylor Swift as a tool for the upcoming elections as she has a large fan base. I really did not think much about racism until the riots came about from the death of George Floyd. Here we can see the Democrat Senate doing more of what I consider a ritual rather than a sign of sympathy or respect: Democrats take a knee for 8 minutes and 46 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O3CZYkQfOs then in a speech Biden says America is systemically racist and I was thinking WHAT? Massive riots took place throughout the country including my city (Rittenhouse) where people were killed and an estimated $2 Billion in property damage took place. Later we hear Floyd actually died of a Fentanyl overdose which is coming through the border and killing over 70k people per year. A video circulated on FB where the guy was going to donate money to BLM because of his "White Guilt" and it took him to Actblue and he looked into their financials more and saw that the majority of funds donated were being given to Democrat runners. Biden received around $30 million for his campaign from the organization. Then we hear of the CEO buying 3 luxury homes. Biden promised healing and unity for the nation where only greater division has been created so the Democrat party uses racism like an invisible shackle. Morgan Freeman a very successful black actor said to stop talking about racism and it might lose it's power. This video from Prager U is informative on the topic of racism: The inconvenient truth of the Democrat Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_a7dQXilCo&t=8s

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Mar 9Liked by Jim McCraigh

Guilt has no color. All mankind experiences guilt about one thing or another. And as you stated, there is only one race, the human race. However, the Word of God states that He will visit the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Him, but have mercy on those who keeps His commandments (Deut. 5:9-10). A lot of spiritual doors of evil has been opened by parents that needs to be repented of and closed. Some doors have been opened that only God can reveal to us; therefore, as we get closer to God and away from the crazy distractions, He will show us the real truth about ourselves first, and then others. This is no time to be caught up in things that God has not called us to entertain.

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Mar 9Liked by Jim McCraigh

Is that because she is huge and she's not black??

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I don't listen to Taylor Swift, but as a middle-aged, middle-class, white, American male I have been accused of being racist more than once. It wasn't anything I said or did or any action I took. It was simply that as a middle-aged, middle-class, white, American male I am clearly racist and to blame for all the world's problems.

I find the idea that I should feel guilt or remorse for things I had no part of to be so abhorrent and senseless that I find myself incensed at the suggestion. But this is what the world has become. I feel we might benefit from more righteous indignation.

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Mar 9Liked by Jim McCraigh

As always, you bring clarity to your topic with the proper use of the Bible, and this one is yet another example of just what you call it: a liberal lie. People who believe this clearly have no understanding of the Bible and either don't know Jesus or have completely taken their eyes off of Jesus. As you say, "Repenting for the sins of others is something we never need to do," and I would take a step further. It is something we CANNOT do. And being white, black, yellow, brown or any color is not something that needs repenting of, anyway. Thank you, Jim, for speaking the truth in love.

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