Your pithy turn of the phrase -- "moronic monuments to the climate change gods" -- is not only eloquent, but it made me laugh, in full agreement! Your article is spot on, as anyone with any sense knows. Unfortunately, too many “guvrmint” and socialist folks worship the god of this world, not God.

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Thank you for your kind words I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

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The opportunists know, there will always be a never ending supply of gullible, idiot, virtue signaling rubes - who screech like harpies on a blood feud (greta I'm looking at you) - that they can get to champion and sell these new bottles of snake oil.

They - the regimes, stakeholders, companies and activist PACs - planned this. The huge subsidies were on the front end and now the "bail out" phase kicks in. Seen this model before folks???

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Excellent point! That is also why the early 1900s electric cars fell out of favor as more efficient ICE cars with more range came along...

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Has it ever occurred to these people that there was a reason farmers abandoned the windmills that used to dot rural America almost a century ago? They could get reliable electricity when the rural co-op made it out to their farm.

They dropped wind power like a bad habit then and the rules really haven't changed since.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jim McCraigh

We have not seen anything yet. Things are getting crazier by the moment. The Government has and is gaining control as I type this. But one thing is sure, they will never have control over God. He is the Government and the little government rests upon His shoulder. Whatever is happening and is going to happen, God is allowing for His glory. We better make sure we are on His side. For He is the true refuge.

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You are so right... God is in charge!

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But there is more as I can personally attest https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/railroaded-by-windmills

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Your post in instructive... a definite must read!

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