If the Earth had rights like a human then it would also have commensurate obligations. The Earth should then pay taxes. It should also be subject to lawsuits and be held liable for damage caused by earthquakes, floods, fire, hurricanes and more. It should be brought under the law and compelled to share water equally and not discriminate against certain regions.

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Exactly 💯

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I was about to quote the same scripture, "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever praised. Amen.” (Romans 1:25) They also will worship themselves… as seen the alphabet mafia. Why does the pope promote the climate lie? The UN does, too. It is a monumental shift of wealth.. away from the ‘west' to the rest of the world. So… those who promote both are??

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The whole purpose of this satanic agenda, I'm convinced, is to start monitoring everyone's "carbon footprint" to imprison people in 15-minute cities — modern day concentration camps nobody can leave and everyone can best be controlled during the reign the tyrannical one-world government of Bill Gates,George Soros, Klaus Schwab and other extremely rich and successful people whose money has caused their arrogance to reach demonic proportions in a manner that could put Lucifer to shame!

My proof?

Please see in articles such as this the part "What Can You Do to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?"" https://earth.org/what-does-carbon-footprint-mean/

Google brings up hundreds of such articles.

I do believe this bogus agenda is ultimately orchestrated by the Father of Lies himself using the most arrogant (=compassionless, soulless, evil) people on earth.

It all also proves Jesus right in saying "t is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

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I'm not sure I agree with McCraigh. with regard to claiming climate pushers are satanic. These people are evil. Most don't believe in satan or God. Sure, many of them may believe in one or the other or both. But people this evil have no cause to look to anybody, any diety, or anything else - but themselves. For them, the money justifies the means.

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They don’t have to actively worship Satan, they simply must be open to being misled by him.

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What Climate Change proponents don’t say explicitly is that they pridefully assume THEY have the power to fix and/or change the climate. They can’t even make up their minds if it’s warming or cooling at times.

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It's about the money, not the climate. And the climate is about control. And total control equals more money!

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Boy...You definitely have some roudy 'Comments'.

Some really crazy stuff and some really terrific food for thought.

Love this post and curiously; glad somebody else suspected

their God of 'CLIMATE CHANGE' a nasty cult out of hell

used to deliberatly destroy the United States, Inalienable Rights

as well as the ability to worship our Jesus Christ.

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Good article. was led to it from another Substack I follow (Dear Rest Of America). Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Me too!

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Thank you! Just subscribed to your Substack

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Amen. The more one pokes at this one, from a Biblical perspective, with eyes of faith opened by the Holy Spirit, the more obvious it becomes that so-called "climate change" is one of the grandest acts of hubris the world has ever known (aside from killing Jesus, that is) and that it contains every element of a man-made religion, from a guilt modality, to a penance system, to a fear-inducing eschatology.

Per Rev 20:8-9 (echoing Genesis 11 and Luke 4:5-8), the enemy of souls is always hitching his wagon to any religious system which promises global unity, order, and prosperity without the living God who provides those things only in Christ. This just happens to be the one that has "legs" for him at the moment. He's happy to hitch his doomed chariots to other global causes as well if they serve his purposes of deception (of Adam's race) and rebellion (against God).

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Great comment... you are right on Art. Just subscribed to your Substack.

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Now to write more diligently! :)

Good to know ya', brother.

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Truth! 👍

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Excellent article and description of Climate Change 👏👏

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I agree - the "description of climate change" was pretty darn good.

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10-4. Anybody worth their scriptural salt knows this has always come down to Romans 1:25. In fact all of Romans 1 is EXACTLY like reading today’s newspaper from two millennia ago.

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I have thought the same thing so many times in the past 3 years myself. This will not end well for so many people.

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What does it mean when a person has discernment?

1. : the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure : skill in discerning.

This has been gifted to me by GOD. I have always had it, even as a youngster. I was always jealous of people with other gifts, but as I have aged, I thank GOD for this gift. Thank you LORD.

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That's right, me too! I used to envy "psychics" and the people who could "see" and had have that ability! Not that I'm denying that people do have that ability, some people really do but I think that many of the so-called mainstream "psychics" are being deceptive just to make money off of people! That's of Satan--people exploiting and deceiving other people for personal gain. That exploiting and deceiving can be done with money, information or anything that can be used to help a person/or people gain advantages over another person/or other people!

Now back to "envy" or "envying" that's one of the 7 deadly sins! I was never really jealous of people who truly have this ability, I felt a lot of admiration for them! Psychic ability, that "sixth sense, or intuition is something that we all have to some extent! Some have more of it than others do and I believe that we can fine tune and increase that ability the more we use it, it's like a muscle! In understanding this I decided that the next time I get that "gut" feeling, to go with it! I learned this young too because when I was much younger I used to ignore that "gut" feeling and I usually got in trouble for that! So one day I thought "well I'm having that feeling for a reason" so I'm going to go with that feeling the next time! To me intuition and decernment is a lot alike, doing what's right and beneficial for myself and other people in the bigger picture in the long run even if people mock and ridicule me, because it's the right thing to do! You are right decernment is a gift from our Most High Creator!

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Many things that the Government does that is evil; let's start with

1.) Funding Abortion with our tax dollars through Planned Parenthood (Murder)

2.) Knowingly allowing the funding of a Bio-Weapon that they know Kills and Injuries people (Murder)

3.) Play God by genetically modifying food and weather conditions

We must remember, as Christians, that we do not belong to this world. This is Satan's World. He is the ruler of the "World." Here is a great message by Pastor John Macarthur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwv6qot7MZ4

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Thank you the MacArthur link!

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Hi Jim here is another good message by John Macarthur


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Thanks again... just recommended your Substack to my readers.

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Thanks Jim! Stay in touch, I will forward Mcarthur messages to you. Another pastor I listen to is Paul Washer, I think you will like his messages as well!

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I will stay in touch, thank you. I also listen to Washer... he is so convicting to hear. You might like my post about 5 others... https://theamericanfaithandfreedomblog.substack.com/p/six-youtube-bible-teachers-worth

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Thanks for Sharing, all great spirit filled Pastors! Yes, Washer is definitely convicting, he won't "tickle your ears" that's for sure neither will the 5 in the link you provided! Unfortunately, most Christian churches in the United States compromise with the world and are there to entertain. I always said if you go to a church in order to "Feel Good" then the pastor is NOT doing his job. The bible predicted that the churches were going to move in that direction in the last days!

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Your welcome Jim!

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Exactly. People are worshipping the creation instead of the creator. Awesome article!

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Right! Some people are confused with that! Take witchcraft and Wicca for example! They say "no this is nothing evil, afterall the earth was created by our Creator and our Creator doesn't purposely create anything evil for us! What we are doing is honoring and respecting the Creator's creation!" "So how can that be evil?" "It's just an earth religion!" They say! "We use the elements of the earth in our work to manifest what we want and we work to manifest positive things for good and benefit for all!" "To send spells out of ill will to cause harm, hexes and curses goes against the laws of nature and will come back on the sender!" Which is true because we do "reap what we sow!" But having a "religion" on something means that you are worshipping that thing! So if Wicca and witchcraft is an "earth religion" then you are worshipping that "thing" which is the earth! Those who practice this stuff do honor the gods, they call the gods different "energies" and they work with these energies to manifest their desired wish or thing! But this is where the deception comes in at because those different "gods" and "energies" are probably demons or interdimensional entities posing as some positive being like a spirit guide! Those "beings" and "energies" are everywhere and they are parasites just looking for a person to attach to so it can feed off of that person's energy! A person has to open a door and invite this "energy" in either knowing or not knowing that they are giving permission to an entity or demon to access them! There is only one God, our Most High Creator and Jesus Christ! People need to talk to Jesus and pray to Jesus! It's true that everything is energy in life, Nikola Tesla said this! But that "energy" came from something, it came from our Most High Creator and that's who people should be worshipping! I used to be into Wicca and witchcraft myself many years ago, I read books only looking for a spiritual path, I never did spells though! I'm glad I woke up from that though because this is a fallen world because our Most High Creator kicked Satan out of heaven and Satan is here on earth and he's trying to get as many souls as he can! So before people start looking for a spiritual path they better think about what they are doing before they start communicating with their "guides" and doing different "spiritual practices" because are inviting in Satan and his minions.

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Did some work with TM guys and gals at Heavenly Mtn NC …”clearing your mind” with TM (or for that matter any other method including repetitive prayer/chants / percussive sounds or lighting) results in MANY encounters with scary entities according to my sources there.

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What is TM? Is it transcendental meditation?

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Thanks for the restack!

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You're welcome 😊

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Thank you, Matthew, for your kind words!

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Romans 1:25

King James Version

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

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Thanks for posting this. All of that is denial of the existence of a Creator God...

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